Driving a green circular economy business by creating a pair of Feebees sock-shoes.

Feebees sock-shoes that can be worn from childhood to adulthood.

According to statistics from the Environmental Protection Agency(R.O.C), Taiwanese discard an average of 10 million pairs of shoes every year. International sports shoe brands have announced that the footwear industry produces 700 million tons of carbon dioxide a year. An average pair of shoes goes through 200 processes, and the manufacturing process would cause around 11.3 to 16.7 kilograms of carbon dioxide for each pair.

Therefore, Chen Guming, the founder of Feebees is looking forward to turning the situation around and has carried it out for over 10 years. Stated: ”We will turn old shoes into new shoes.” Feebees does not take profit as its primary orientation but mostly challenges itself to make socks and shoes in the simplest way. The product has incorporated the characteristics of “Barefoot” and “Environmental Protection”, and fully implemented the concept of sustainability from the beginning.

MIT full-cycle recyclable socks have obtained international certification

Feebees sock-shoes simplify the structure and process of shoes and have been certified by BSI (British Standard Institute) with a carbon footprint of 5.9kg for production, which is only 40% of the consumption of normal shoes. What’s more, the customers could simply send the old shoes back to get a high reward.

After receiving the old shoes, Feebees would put them into the patented recycling machine. After 5 steps of crushing and remanufacturing, a new pair of shoes can be produced. The process mechanism is also certified by the global recycling standard GRS&RCS. Making it the pair of MIT sustainable sock- shoes with the concept of “full cycle”!

Creating sock-shoes through over 10,000 times of experiments in 10 years

Feebees’ innovative shoe-making concept and continuous innovation experiments have faced great challenges. It took 10 years and over 10,000 times of experiments to turn socks into shoes. Feebees’s next project is to expand its product line to waterproof sock-shoes which would be more suitable for formal occasions, and others such as slip-on shoes; in order to promote the implementation of a full-cycle recycling mechanism, consumers only need to send back used sock-shoes for recycling and remanufacturing. By being rewarded with a feedback fund, customers and their whole family can always enjoy new shoes easily!





