Nice Garden Industrial Co., Ltd.-Making a green value chain for pig farming transparent and secure(祥圃實業股份有限公司)

Nice Garden is a social enterprise, and we are like missionaries,” said the chairman of the board, Wu Kuen- min. “We want to make changes in the consumer culture and purchasing habits of pork in Taiwan. We keep on talking about green value chains for pork farming to people around us in the hope of upgrading animal husbandry and raising awareness.”

With mountain-moving determination, Nice Garden was able to integrate the farm-to-table value chain and gain recognition. From a small company selling animal feed additives to manufacturing animal nutrition products and finally becoming a farm-to-table distributor, Nice Garden has transformed step by step towards the goal of a secure, healthy and trustworthy enterprise. Wu definitely walked a challenging and meaningful path, and this journey would not have been achieved without the timely assistance from Small and Medium Enterprise Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs.

“Social enterprise is more than just donating money,” Wu explained. Nice Garden infuses sustainability in business by raising pigs humanely, promoting the use of green energy, raising production efficiency, and improving management to influence consumers to purchase responsibly. With the principle of seeking the common good in mind, Wu often preaches to the farmers to take care of their employees. “Because from employee welfare to teaching school kids how to eat healthily are social responsibilities of Nice Garden,” said Wu sternly.

With the assistance of ‘Project Rising Star in Green Innovation for SMEs’, Nice Garden followed the GRI G4 corporate reporting guidance and disclosed its performance in corporate management, green products, environmental protection, labor safety and community development, setting a high standard demonstrating to the pork industry what a SME could achieve in economic, environmental and social aspects.

The promotion of raising livestock in a sustainable manner to decrease emissions of heavy metals, liquids, solid waste and methane is the environmental responsibility of Nice Garden. Wu stated, “Being sustainable has become a habit.” Nice Garden’s next move is the establishment of a tourist factory that will combine culture, creativity, and food economy to educate the public about the importance of agriculture and the livestock industry.

