Semisils Applied Materials Corp.,Optical Performance Materials: Pioneering Silicon Circular Economy Globally

Recycling of waste silicon slurry for the separation and regeneration of silica and hydrogen

To promote sustainable development and a circular economy, Kungyu Advanced Materials Corporation is recycling waste from the semiconductor industry and turning it into valuable resources. During the production of semiconductors, a significant amount of waste is generated from the cutting and grinding processes, and the waste silicon slurry resulting from these processes has not been adequately handled or efficiently utilized. Kungyu Advanced Materials Corporation has developed an exclusive regeneration technology that successfully separates the waste silicon slurry into two valuable resources: silica and hydrogen, thus transforming waste into treasure.

According to Semisils Applied Materials Corp., the regenerated silica has already been used in building materials (epoxy/waterproof paint/calcium silicate board), safety shoes, sports and leisure shoes, basketball and yoga mats, etc., through collaborations with domestic and foreign brand partners. This not only improves product quality but also provides customers with waste silicon slurry supply, helping them enhance their ESG and CSR ratings, and making the semiconductor silicon circular economy ecosystem more complete.

Another focus of Semisils Applied Materials Corp. is the application of hydrogen energy. During the process of oxidizing and reducing the waste silicon slurry, Semisils Applied Materials Corp. not only obtains industrial-grade silica but also produces a large amount of green hydrogen. Since the production process does not consume electricity or additional energy, the green hydrogen is of the highest grade, with a purity of up to 99.999%, and can be recycled and reused for power generation. At the same time, the hydrogen’s ability to easily bind with carbon can be used for carbon capture, reducing existing carbon emissions. The company has obtained Taiwan’s first green energy certificate (hydrogen) for waste-to-power, and it is also the world’s first green energy certificate for hydrogen power generation, creating a new green energy option for Taiwan.

Currently, Semisils Applied Materials Corp. is working on a 600-ton silicon circular regeneration system. The standard production line can produce approximately 3.2 million cubic meters of hydrogen per year, which is equivalent to the energy required for 1,000 hydrogen buses or electricity consumption for 1,000 households per year. The silicon circular regeneration system not only solves the environmental problems of the semiconductor industry but also produces 100% green hydrogen, adding a new green energy option for Taiwan.

Under the goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050, advanced countries are actively developing green energy, and hydrogen energy has been identified as a key area of focus. In Taiwan, the government is also committed to promoting renewable energy and developing a circular economy. Semisils Applied Materials Corp.’s recycling technology contributes to these efforts and creates a new model of sustainable development for Taiwan.


