PackAge+ Corporation — “Circular Packaging” Facilitating Corporate Sustainable Supply Chain Carbon Reduction Goals

Taiwan’s online shopping market is the seventh largest in the world, generating over 80 million disposable packages annually. This amounts to 113,000 tons of carbon emissions, requiring at least 10.04 million trees (equivalent to 1,729 Daan Forest Parks) to offset. To address this issue, PackAge+, founded in 2019 by former e-commerce sellers, established PackAge+ Corporation, dedicated to leveraging innovative green technology to create a “Circular Packaging System,” aiming to reduce excessive waste from disposable packaging in Taiwan. Their mission is to make Taiwan a sustainable circular island, with the vision of creating a sustainable e-commerce ecosystem.

PackAge+ Corporation’s “PackAge+ Circular Packaging” system utilizes recycled materials such as rPET and rPP, allowing for a minimum of 50 reuses. The system has partnered with over 4,500 physical retail stores across Taiwan, including major chains like 7-Eleven, FamilyMart, Watsons, Starbucks, and more, providing consumers with convenient return points.

PackAge+ Corporation is committed to achieving the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly focusing on Goals 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production), 13 (Climate Action), and 15 (Life on Land). They calculate the carbon emissions reduction for each reusable package, estimating a reduction of at least 1.25 kg of carbon per cycle. Through the application of circular packaging and online shopping circular service models, PackAge+ has already reduced over 600,000 kg of carbon emissions and eliminated more than 100,000 disposable packages.

Starting from July 2023, Taiwan’s Environmental Protection Administration mandates that internet retailers must avoid using polyvinyl chloride (PVC) materials in packaging. Additionally, over 90% of paper packaging should be made from recycled paper, and plastic packaging should incorporate at least 25% recycled materials. For mid-sized enterprises, packaging must adhere to weight classification standards, while larger enterprises need to achieve goals related to packaging weight reduction and the use of reusable bags or boxes. The average packaging weight should reach 25%, 30%, and 35% reduction in 2024, 2025, and 2026 respectively, and reusable boxes should achieve usage rates of 2%, 8.5%, and 15% in the same timeline. This has led numerous domestic businesses to collaborate with PackAge+, adopting reusable circular packaging to reduce waste at the source.

PackAge+ Corporation has been adopted by a diverse range of enterprises, including major companies like TSMC, PChome, Carrefour, Red Bull, UberEats, Aveda, and Shopee. They have also partnered with e-commerce platforms like Shopline and WACA to encourage the adoption of circular packaging by small and medium-sized brands. By facilitating the integration of sustainable supply chains for not only listed companies but also smaller enterprises, PackAge+ serves as a significant benchmark for reducing carbon emissions driven by online shopping packaging in Taiwan.


