Why The Future Will Be Awesome (or James Bond’s New Potato Chip Bag)

Kirk Wheeler
Discover The Road | ed
1 min readAug 5, 2014


The explosion of what is possible with technology is only beginning. The leaps forward and the intertwining of new and old ideas continue to create a future that will be unlike anything we could have ever imagined.

This was summed up for me today by this video. As an audio geek I find this James Bond voodoo quite simply incredible, but as someone who loves experimentation and the improbable, I think that using a potato chip bag to generate sound via a high speed camera behind soundproof glass was inevitable.


So is too late for you to try something new with the technologies at your disposal? Not even close. The best time in history to start anything is now.

Good luck.

Learn more here: http://people.csail.mit.edu/mrub/VisualMic/

Kirk Wheeler is the host of Discover The Road where he writes about how to question everything, make progress, and embrace the journey. For ideas about what it means to live an authentic life, join his free newsletter.

