Who are you Reelly & What do you Reelly want?

Navigating the online world (Internet) of people & things more organically.

Dean Larsen
9 min readNov 24, 2018


When today, information is at our finger tips and it’s beginning to be a little overwhelming and your social feed is just not cutting it for you, what do you do? — Build your own platform?

Well we did and we want to share it with you.

Ok you might be wondering why this title? Well, isn’t that what we are here to do us humans, to learn about “who we really are” and “what we really want”, in hope to bring to the world the full essence of our selfs and our expression of that i.e projects, businesses, artwork etc ? Well we think so anyway. And by the way that is not a spelling mistake “Reelly”, it is in relation to our project, DiscoveReel. Describing an element of the platform that is like a movie reel, showing your whole journey, not just the before and after effect.

What does it mean these days to be seen online, to share, to discover and to have fun, and most importantly navigate and find the things and people that are important to you?

Imagine this…. what would it be like to find people, projects, resources (funding) events etc that have true alignment to you and who you really are, does that sound fun? Well we hope so.

See the internet is a wild place, information is everywhere and navigating it to what you want is up to those that build the platforms that serve you this information, think Facebook’s newsfeed or googles search results, it’s kind of tailored to you, but is it really aligned to who you really are? and do you really get to grasp, read, see, smell those things you love and want, automatically and tailored to you?

Well we set out to do just that, buckle up and check this out.

We are working on just that, DiscoveReel, a tool that allows you to align to those online that share the same Mindset as you. You may think this is some kind of dating site, but could you imagine, if all your info, that being content, inspirations people, resources, opportunities, work, hobby, play, jobs and even Guru’s, where automatically aligned to you based upon not just one thing, such as your age, your page likes, your sexual preference or the types of things you post, but to who you really are?

For that we believe it’s important to share and align with people and things by things that are day to day true to you, you know when your halfway through your lunch and you need to search on Wikipedia for something that intrigues you and your inspired about, curious about, and even lights you up like a 100W light bulb!. These are the things that we will base the alignment upon. So with this we align you to others and things online based upon your true Experience, this including your skills and also to your day to day Curiosities, this could be your hobbies or anything that fascinates you and lastly your Mindset, including your beliefs and your philosophy of life. This could be fun right?

Alignment = Experience + Curiosity + Mindset

And not only this, along the journey of meeting people and seeing things here, you discover more about who you really are, the days are gone where you are just a Doctor or you are just a Tennis player, the specializations are diminishing and we need new ways to find meaning in the world. Some would call these people generalists others just plane beautiful unique humans. We are getting closer to really doing what we love and getting paid for it, just you wait!

So what would the internet world look like if you could efficiently connect with those that share the same journey as you or at least a general understanding and curiosities about all things in life. What if you where aligned to not only one interest/topic, like you would find in a forum, or facebook group, but by a multitude of things, all representing the whole of you, not just one part. What if those people where mentors, or investors, Elon musk or just cool inspiring creators and makers making bank and ready to co create with you!. What would a platform look like that brings this organic alignment to you, whether it be people, projects, resources or content, all neatly delivered and tailored to who you really are and what you really want?

Well that’s our mission at Discovereel, to make it easier, organic and more efficient to connect and develop who you are and get what you want online & offline, to bring your vision to life!.

Here’s the deal then.

DiscoveReel: A platform to help you discover people, projects, resources and things based upon alignment to your Experiences, curiosities and mindset.

So what would a platform like this look like? Is is a social network? Is it social media? the short answer is no, we don’t intend on that, we intend on amplifying the effectiveness of all platforms, bringing more alignment to people, but first Entrepreneurs, including creators and makers.

How will we do this you may say? Well take 3 minutes if inspired to check it out:


And for a more detailed version of what we are building check this out here. It has more of the functionality for the geeks.

Ok so now your saying, so how do you (Discovereel) align me to these people and things? Well first of all let’s look at the journey and how this will work at the start and with what we have built now.

First of all, you would log in like any platform securing your epic profile. After this stage you have an opportunity to collect Worlds, which are basically terms, topics, movies, books anything related to who you really are, the key here is to really choose words that resonate with you. So for example, you love Equestrian hoarse riding, you would search this in the platform and find the term (This can be at this point anything in Wikipedia; books, terms, movies etc), this you will then decide whether it relates to either your Experience, your Curiosity or your Mindset or all three!

So now what, this seems fun, collecting things in one place that make up who I really am, Great!

So after doing this for many terms that light you up, you will have three lists, in the Experience, Curiosity and Mindset buckets or lists in in the platform. Great your done! Well done, with that done you can look back and see how diverse you are, how amazing you really are, your not just a Doctor, an entrepreneur, a basic label or role, your UNIQUE! It’s so important.

The alignment to others and things!

Great, now what Dean? You say. So what if I can collect all these worlds (topics, terms etc). Well what we do next is delicious, we connect you to others with the same WORLDS (I.E terms/words/topics) on their profile! Not just one, but all of them, and properly deliver them to your personal profile to enable you to discover others like you and also explore other elements where there is even mis-alignment if your intrigued to learn more about who they really are and learn something new about their world view.

So great! now that you have built your profile and you are starting to see your uniqueness and you get to see others that alignment with you now what? Well this is where all the fun begins, it’s endless. From here people and our alignment algorithm are key to us as a platform/tool, it’s an efficient journey when aligned, in any application, when your trying to achieve a goal and get what you want! People you align and connect with can equate to an investor, a mentor, a follower, a client, a friend, a date, anyone really, and who knows they may have the capacity to support or co create with you on your Reel (i.e journey).

In conclusion

In our experience a few things are clear, we may know what we want in general in life, maybe to be happy, to grow, to get that hot sports car or go to that personal development retreat, but wait, what do you really want?, I mean everyday, every hour, do you want help with your website coding, with your kids dirty nappies, or do you want to learn something special from a mentor, or maybe it’s funding for your next kickass project! well now is the chance to really share what you want on a day to day journey and have others help you with that. But first the most important part is done, your aligned, it’s a lot more efficient.

So in our experience there is no need to build trust between you both or to a group as much, you know how each other sees the world, your excited your buzzed to be sharing the same journey with one another and you all have varying things to give and receive. It’s efficient and maybe organic.

Our hope for you

So our hope and belief is through this process you will find out who you really are and you will be able to align and connect with others on the similar journey and also connecting to and obtaining what you want. When there is alignment, things are a lot easier online and offline.

All the functionality starts here and we will grow and build out what is really important first, this will be based upon our Ryders (Users of the platform). Come join our journey, you can sign up for when we release the beta version.

So what does this look like Dean, this platform? You have showed me a cool video and some functionality, when is it coming! and when can I use it!??

Well here’s where we are at!

First of all, we have nearly ready, our beta version where we have some functionality, of adding Worlds to your profile and aligning with others based upon your experience, curiosities and mindset. But before we go crazy we are launching a crowdfunding campaign to friends and family, but more importantly an amazing (what we like to think) investment opportunity is at hand. We are giving away a percentage of our future profits at this early stage, and you might be thinking “future” geez I will be waiting years for a return (ROI), but that’s not the case as we plan to be monetizing in the first few months once we raise our desired mount of 60,000USD.

Why are you raising the moola, you say? Well it’s a tricky stage most startups face, they have no traction (Users using the platform), but need money in the bank to follow through and focus on their project once they launch. And most startups have a killer functional product, a crazy talented team, a inspiring list of subscribers and a journey to match any good life, but just need a little kickstart, get going, and why do it alone?

Over the next year we bring all our team back onboard full-time after a fairly crazy bootstrapping phase, we launch our beta 1 month post 20,000USD raise and boom, we are out of the gates with a beta platform functional for our 700 subscribers. Whoohooo

See the reality is we need the funding to follow through on our promises to Ryders (Users) and build out what they want consistently after we launch, on the journey to getting good growth and traction towards product market fit, before we approach already aligned large scale investors. We have a huge amount of gratitude and appreciation for those that supported us at the beginning and so the journey begins. Thank you.

So that’s our plan. And that’s what we are building, we hope to serve humanity, or just a few lucky few to start with. (-:

So feel free if inspired to say hello, we are here, on Product hunt, in our chat and also good old email: info@discovereel.com.

So Ciao for now and remember,

We got this,

Dean and the DR team.

P.s If you would like to invest in this project and take a look at the opportunities, please reach out to me personally or check out our page — www.discovereel.com and go from there.



Dean Larsen

Architecting Culture. Sensing the space between things. Building the future frameworks for life on Earth first. http://discovereel.com/