Learning Your Labels Helps You to Make Better Career choices

Photo by Christopher Burns on Unsplash

The paradox of self-discovery is that the more we understand ourselves, the more we understand and accept others. The more we know, the less we fear. A Course in Miracles teaches that there are only two main emotions: love and fear.

The Changemaker Test, designed to provide personality indicators — called labels — so anyone has some tools about themselves that they can study to see why they make the decisions and choices they make. Then from this foundation of self-discovery, he/she can continue exploring and recreating themselves through her/his lifetime.

The Changemaker Test Categories are:

(1) NLP — Neurolinquistic Programming
(2) Birth Order
(3) Family Roles
(4) Our Emotional Energies
(5) MBTI — Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

During the energy you spend in re-inventing yourself, you will learn new career choices for your personality labels. The labels can be quite effective at weeding out what you love to do and what you’ve taught yourself to do against your basic nature. Find what you love to do and life will be a continual joyful experience.



Kathy Berman
Discovering Yourself is Your Greatest Adventure

Addiction recovery date:11/24/1976. kathyberman.com. Addiction recovery; eating clean; self-discovery. Kathy Berman’s Publications lists my Medium publications.