Discovering Polyamory Submission Guidelines

Thomas H. Brand
Discovering Polyamory
2 min readApr 26, 2021


What we are looking for and how to contribute

Discovering Polyamory is a publication aimed at providing advice and information for people looking to explore polyamory and ethical non-monogamy. Whether they are beginning their own journey, or they are simply looking to learn more about this way of life, Discovering Polyamory aims to provide the resources they need.

What we publish

We publish articles providing information and advice for those looking to learn more about polyamory, ethical non-monogamy, or any other forms of alternate relationship models. Ideally with a personal touch.

These are primarily aimed at people first discovering ethical non-monogamy, but with an eye to still be useful to those who may have been on their journey for some time.

  • Advice on things to expect when starting your journey into non-monogamy
  • Warnings and cautionary tales
  • How to find resources and communities
  • Benefits and pitfalls
  • Things someone might not realise or expect
  • Recommendations for outside resources (As long as you related a story of how this influenced or improved your personal journey. We’re not looking for simple book reviews)

Content Guidelines

  1. All submissions must comply with Medium’s Rules and Ad-Free Policy. Partner Program stories must also comply with Medium’s Content Guidelines and Curation Guidelines.
  2. All submissions must be written in clear, concise language. We aim for our articles to be simple to read for newcomers.
  3. All submissions must be in English and free of grammar, spelling, or language issues. We advise using Grammarly or Hemingway App to avoid any typos and grammar mistakes.
  4. Submissions must have a clear title and subtitle, properly formatted and written in title case or as a sentence. Titles and subtitles written in all capital letters will be changed or rejected.
  5. All submissions must include a featured image right below the title. This image, and any other images included, must be something you have the legal right to publish and must include a properly cited source as the image caption.
  6. All submitted articles are subject to editing for grammar, spelling, formatting, and minor language fixes. We will not heavily edit articles, but may change formatting for links, title sentences, and article titles/subtitles, or change paragraph and line breaks to increase readability.

How to submit

If you’re already a writer with us, simply submit your article via Medium.

If you are submitting as a new writer, please send us your submission using this link. (Please note we only accept completed, unpublished articles.)

We do our best to respond to everyone within 2 working days. However, as much as we want to respond to everyone sometimes this isn’t possible. So if you don’t hear back from us within 7 days please assume we won’t be accepting your submission at this time.

