Are You Watching Movies or Experiencing Them?

Shawn Cotter
Published in
3 min readSep 24, 2018

$100 million dollars. Four and a half years. Hundreds upon hundreds of staff members. 174 nominations. 98 awards.

This is 2013’s Gravity. Regardless of your opinion of the film, there is no denying the amount of time, effort, money, blood, sweat and tears that went into crafting this sci-fi marvel — and if you are a cell phone carrying American, there is a very real possibility you saw this or many other summer blockbusters on the go. Film is a labor of love, and commands respect from those who wish to truly experience it — more respect than a 4.7 inch screen and a pair of earbuds in a packed flight exhibits.

Making a movie isn’t easy. Storytellers craft engaging narratives, studios and directors assemble talent from all over the globe, and production crews make sure all the elements are in place to fully realize the story they envisioned. This process takes years of planning, practice, and execution to ensure that every single infinitesimal detail of the movie is up to their expectations, solely so that they can deliver a compelling two hour adventure for the audience to immerse themselves in.

Content creators go to borderline absurd lengths to ensure that everything is exactly the way they intended so the audience can have the best experience humanly possible. If these teams won’t settle for anything less than the best, why should its audience? The optimal albeit unrealistic solution would be to experience the film in a private theater as an audience of one — but not everyone has the time or resources to make this a reality. We understand that life can take you anywhere, and sometimes a phone and two hours of time is all you have. However, movie-goers can strive for the next best thing — technology that recreates the theatrical experience.

Now if you’re playing the movie on a telephone, you will never in a trillion years experience the film. You’ll think you’ve experienced it, but you will be cheated.
- David Lynch

At our core, this is why LUCI came to exist. We are a team of dedicated cinephiles that love not only experiencing movies but understanding them. Passionate fans that take a subjective and objective look at these modern works of art and dissecting every insignificant detail. A group of friends that love experiencing these adventures in the way the creators intended while discovering and extracting new meanings in every work.

LUCI is developing the immers, so that people can stop watching movies and start experiencing them — breathing new life into old classics and reinventing the way in which people consume content. Our team is comprised of experts with decades of experience crafting some of the most well known and critically praised films in history, and understand the lengths these creators go to master their trade. It is our collective dream to create the hardware, the software, and the content experiences that live up to these immense expectations.

Unparalleled display quality. Lossless audio. 3D video. Lightweight construction. Portable design. Seemingly bottomless content library and access to content and streaming services you already love. The portability and convenience of watching it on a phone without any of the drawbacks. This is the blueprint for the LUCI immers — your gateway to unlocking the true potential of these cinematic adventures.

The LUCI immers

Explore our website and join us in our pursuit of perfection, and reject the notion of ever settling for anything less than the best and discover what we are calling Immersion-on-Demand. Get immersed.



Shawn Cotter

I’m a writer at heart — I actively search for creative ways to command the English language to craft engaging narratives that are informative as they are fun.