Meet LUCI.

Published in
2 min readJun 21, 2018

When LUCI set out to redefine the movie watching experience, we began with a simple question — what is the definitive way to experience content?

To answer this, LUCI searched for experts from around the globe to assemble a team to document our collective research on this perfect viewing standard, which we dubbed Immersion-On-Demand. Since this revelation, LUCI has aimed to push what is possible both in terms of hardware as well as content creation in order to drive the industry forward.

We are a team of creative technologists, passionate inventors, ingenious cinema producers, decisive financial investors, and avid problem solvers — all of whom fit perfectly with creating next generation immersive entertainment. We are passionate about redefining the world of entertainment with our proprietary hardware and software that empower people to truly experience virtually any adventure.

The first step in this journey to realize this vision has been the LUCI immers.

The immers has been architected from the ground up to create a viewing experience like no other — leveraging industry leading display technology to push 3000+ PPI inside a lightweight, portable, UHD wearable. It was designed by content creators and aficionados, for content creators and aficionados.

At the heart of it all, this is why LUCI exists in the first place — to guide the industry in bettering the content and technology available that truly connect users to content and the emotional narratives being told within them.

In order to expedite this process, LUCI has released the collective research and documentation for what we have aptly named the Immersion-On-Demand Standard (IOD). Our research has been compiled into a singular manual that outline the pillars and guidelines to achieving the perfect viewing experience.

While these technological breakthroughs are still far from what is currently possible, LUCI believes in the industry taking the incremental steps forwards to pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved so that one day the entire community can experience it.

LUCI is now looking to the community to provide comments, feedback, reviews, criticism, and discussions around this ambitious goal so that we may continue to develop this standard. It is our hope that one day, content creators and consumers will no longer have to settle for anything less than the best.

The current manual can be downloaded via our website:

We will continue to provide developments to the manual and immers throughout the comings months, and we invite all of you to join us on this mission.



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At LUCI, we are shaping the future of immersive entertainment by delivering hardware and content that drive these experiences.