Why you should do a podcast for your brand

Bethany Armitt Brewster
Discovery Matters
Published in
4 min readOct 5, 2022

It was recently International Podcast Day. Which means it’s time to shine a spotlight (or should that be, pass the microphone?) on the world of audio storytelling. As a producer of a podcast for a biopharma company, I can tell you it’s a powerful brand tool. There is no better way to authentically communicate to your target audience, as well as increase the number of people who care about what you have to say.

In this blog, I explain why podcasts are a powerful form of communication, what lies behind their growing popularity, and why you should consider them as a tool to grow your company’s reputation.

Why care — the numbers don’t lie

Listening to podcasts is becoming an increasingly popular way to pass time for many people. Insider Intelligence reports that there will be 424.2 million podcast listeners worldwide in 2022. That’s more than 20% of internet users.[1]

More statistics worth knowing:

· There are over four million podcasts worldwide. (Source: The Podcast Host)

· About 54% of listeners are more likely to consider a brand after hearing about it on a podcast. (Source: Edison Research/Triton Digital survey)

· Podcasting as an industry will be worth over 94 billion USD by 2028 (Source: Insider Intelligence)

Those are some incredible statistics. But now let’s look beyond the numbers to understand exactly why podcasting is so appealing to the listener, and why they are such a power form of communication.

What makes podcasts so appealing?

There are many reasons to love this format for personal and brand building use:

1) Variety makes for a tailored audience experience. Whether you are into cheese, reality TV, books, or science, there is a podcast for you. Audiences can explore topics they are interested in, and perhaps discover new ones. The podcast hosts do not have to beg the listener for attention, meaning personalities can shine.

2) Room for nuanced conversations. A podcast series can go on and on, with new content building on what has already been said. That is the beauty of it. Interest can be retained, unlike newspapers who must renew audience attention every day with an eye-catching new headline.

3) Niche topics are welcome. While news sites and TV channels are driven by ratings, meaning they must appeal to the masses, podcasts don’t. In fact, they excel by finding their niche. The Sleep With Me podcast is an example of success by niche content. The host speaks about random things from his day in a calm and soothing voice. This is the perfect content for those who like to listen to stories as they drift off to sleep. It is not in-depth content, but it is a niche. The host has been rewarded for this niche with a huge growth in listeners and large monetization, which has led to this becoming his full-time job.

4) It’s marketing. But not as we know it. Podcasts give brands a way to reach their desired target segment, exact populations down to their demographic and psychographic makeup. Most podcast hosting services have a statistics feature, so you can check if your content is cutting through and adjust your strategy accordingly.

5) Audio is the new written. While engagement with print and digital news sources decline, podcast audiences continue to grow, particularly with younger people. Those aged 12–34 make up 66% of podcast listeners within the United States, according to Buzz Sprout.[2]

6) Podcasts promote themselves. Well, their audience do through word of mouth. Meanwhile, suggestions from podcast hosting service providers are improving, as companies look to keep audiences ‘on platform’.

Podcasts are probably the most flexible content medium around. Their value as a form of communication cannot be underestimated, and I hope you’ll consider one for your brand.

Finally, remember we are all listeners, as well as potential producers. So, dig out that podcast you were recommended and have been meaning to play. Whether the topic is historical, financial, comedic, or fantastical, put your headphones on, and enjoy. For the science lovers out there, may I recommend Discovery Matters?

Happy listening!


[1] Want to Be on a Podcast? That Will Be $50,000 (entrepreneur.com)

[2] Podcast Statistics and Data [August 2022] https://www.buzzsprout.com/blog/podcast-statistics

