Introducing Discuss This!

Sahir Dhalla
Discuss This!
Published in
Aug 30, 2021


Our new publication now accepting writers

Welcome to our new publication, Discuss This! where we give writers a space to discuss and debate any topic. Discuss This will be curated publication of articles across many topics that encourage and foster discussion in some way.

We are currently accepting writers and editors across all genres. Just send me an email at with your Medium ID, general topics that you write about, and an email to contact you at. Once you send in your email, I will let you know in a couple of days whether you have been accepted and you can start writing! This publication accepts already published articles as well.

As always, adhere to the Medium writing guidelines when submitting work, and good luck writing :)

Photo by Tamara Gak on Unsplash



Sahir Dhalla
Discuss This!

Exploring the intersection and cutting edge of neuroscience, AI, and philosophy