12 Whimsical Alternatives to WaPo’s “Pinocchio” Lie-O-Meter

Daniel Nest
Dishonourable Unmentionables
4 min readJul 23, 2020


Image by The Washington Post (Fair Use)

Let’s be honest: Everyone loves our mischievous Pinocchio Tracker. Rating dangerous lies using the face of a likeable wooden puppet? Adorbs!

Yet we feel that Pinocchio isn’t quite whimsical enough. Here at The Washington Post, we value whimsy above all else. These delightful alternatives should make wanton fact-assassination a lot more palatable.

1. Jim Carrey in Liar Liar

Comical rubber face? Check. Own dabbling in conspiracy theories? Check. Jim’s the perfect spokesman to wag a finger at truth burglars with a knowing wink and nod.

2. Pin-up model holding a hand to her face in mock shock

Can this gal get any more whimsical?! “Oopsie,” she seems to say, “Someone’s telling a truthie-bendie about the coronavirus death toll. Naughty!”

3. See-no-evil monkey emoji

Just as whimsical as the above but geared toward our younger readers. It’s never too early to learn that irresponsible truth annihilation deserves nothing more than a bit of friendly ridicule. LOL.

4. Jar of snake oil

A bit on the nose. Who added this? Ah. It appears our intern Jeff thinks that liars…



Daniel Nest
Dishonourable Unmentionables

I arrange letters into words. Sometimes they even form sentences. My old humor is at http://nest-expressed.com/. My new humor is mostly in a “Rejected” folder.