5-Minute Meditation For The Year 2020

Daniel Nest
Dishonourable Unmentionables
3 min readJun 29, 2020


Photo by Mitchell Griest on Unsplash


Please find a comfortable seat at least 6 feet away from the nearest human. If you have access to a sterile, hermetically sealed chamber, go there now.

Now gently, effortlessly tear your eyes away from the running tally of COVID-19 deaths. Close them. That’s good.

Take a long, deep breath in.


Did that breath seem a tad too short? Is that new? Have you been tested?

Kindly, without judgement, release the thought and bring your attention back to the present moment.

Breathe out.

Ignore the coughing fit. It’ll quickly pass. Wow. Okay. I’ll give you a few moments.




Let’s do a quick body scan.

Begin at the top. Notice your head. Notice your neck. Notice your face.


Just…notice it.

Keep your hands in your lap. When did you last wash them? Did you count to 20?

Back to the present.

Find your anchor. Be still. Immovable. Permanent. Like a statue.



Daniel Nest
Dishonourable Unmentionables

I arrange letters into words. Sometimes they even form sentences. My old humor is at http://nest-expressed.com/. My new humor is mostly in a “Rejected” folder.