RE: Denmark’s Application for Increase in the Sunshine Quota

Daniel Nest
Dishonourable Unmentionables
3 min readJul 22, 2020


Photo by Osman Rana on Unsplash

From: Global Climate Adjustment Committee

To: Applicant #172 [The Kingdom of Denmark]

Dear applicant,

We have successfully processed your request to increase the “annual sunshine” quota. We are pleased to grant you an additional 10 (TEN) days of sun. This brings your total number of sunny days to 10 (TEN).


Please note that due to the mechanics involved, we are unable to distribute these days evenly throughout the year. The entirety of your allotted quota will be delivered during the following two periods:

#1: Late April to early May [2–3 days]

This period — known as the “Ha, no!” — will give residents a foolish hope that summer has arrived. It has not. It will be immediately followed by a drastic fall in temperature and anywhere between 17 and 26 days of nonstop rain. (We reserve the right to occasionally throw in hail, just to keep you on your toes.)

#2: Late June to early August [7–8 days]

This “You’re Kidding Me!” period has been carefully calibrated to coincide with the summer vacation. Most of the population will be abroad, experiencing a burning sense of rage upon…



Daniel Nest
Dishonourable Unmentionables

I arrange letters into words. Sometimes they even form sentences. My old humor is at My new humor is mostly in a “Rejected” folder.