What’s the Best Part About Your Entire Family Dying From COVID-19?

The serene Thanksgiving you’ll have this year!

Robert Criss
Dishonourable Unmentionables


Ahhhh, I can see it now.

11:00 AM Thanksgiving Day: You wake from a dream where you were a turkey pardoned by the President (Obama). While writing it down in your dream journal, you remember another dream where a respiratory virus spread across the world killing hundreds of thousands, including your annoying relatives who visit every Thanksgiving. Wait a second. You pinch yourself but you’re already awake. A dream come true.

You set down the dream journal next to your nightmare journal, which is gathering dust.

11:01 AM — 4:29 PM: You don’t move at all. No one’s around to tell you to put the turkey in the oven, or ask when you’ll meet a nice girl, because they’re locked down in place or — better yet — dead from COVID-19. They don’t even bother you in a supernatural, beyond-the-grave fashion and the only downside is that your face hurts from smiling.

4:30 PM: You roll out of bed in a velvet robe and slippers and make your way down a newly installed spiral staircase. You call out to see who else is awake. No answer. You’re alone. “How terribly sad,” you think, “that this didn’t happen sooner!”



Robert Criss
Dishonourable Unmentionables

humor writer feat. in Slackjaw, Points in Case, Weekly Humorist, 251, Little Old Lady Comedy, Robot Butt, Flexx Mag. robertcriss.net