The Greatest Obstacle & Other Poems

Published in
2 min readFeb 15, 2022

Aishwarya Othena

The greatest obstacle

The long white cane is an ingenious device.
For obstacle detection it usually does suffice
But beyond the roads and rubble
that sometimes make me stumble -
It finds itself helpless
against unsolicited human kindness
which may not, perhaps, make me fall,
And yet becomes the greatest obstacle of all.
If I could accept or reject
before they choose to select
Me as their good deed of the week,
I would not wish for or seek
A cane that can warn me
Of human obstacles that won’t let me be.

An Ode to my Travel Companion

This is the story of my fling with the long white cane
It is more than just some metal and string the long white cane

Wherever I go, whatever I do
In my hand I swing the long white cane

A click and a clack and a clunk and a clang
Oh how I can sing with the long white cane

New places, paths, and pavements I trod
And in my step there’s always a spring with the long white cane.

I have things to do and places to be
My dreams of independence take wing on the long white cane

they’ll never understand its charm, Aishwarya
Why then do you let your words ring for the long white cane?

A List of Things Non-Disabled People Expect me to Be

One. In perpetual grief about my blindness
Mourning for the sight I never had
Two. Happy to accept unsolicited kindness
Isn’t empathy the new fad?
Three. An inspiration people can look at and say
“At least my life is better than that”
Four. An encyclopedia that educates every day
And answers all questions even when there’s no time to chat
Five. The perfect speaker who does not fear
To speak on certain special days
Six. And holds in her words the rest of the year
Diversity has a time and a place.
Seven. willing to divulge every bit of medical detail
Curiosity only killed the cat
Eight. Tolerant of ableism beyond the pale
They just don’t know any better than that
Nine. Apologetic while asking for accommodations
Inconveniencing others is just not done
Ten. But sees inconvenience to Self as unworthy of examination
After all, I am the disabled one

On the top left of The poster, is a photo of The author. She is in her 20s, and is wearing a white and green dress. She is holding out a phone in front of her, And is wearing her hair loose. On the top right of the poster are the words the greatest obstacle of all and other poems. Below the title, at bottom right, is the author‘s name, Aishwarya Othena. Finally, at the bottom left is the Dislang logo, in which the word Dislang appears in a semicircle.
Aishwarya Othena, The great obstacle and other poems

Aishwarya Othena is currently pursuing her Doctoral studies at IIIT Bangalore in the area of IT and Society. . She explores ways of using art and writing to break stereotypes about disability and confront ableism. She is an avid reader, and an occasional, hobbyist writer. You can find more of her poetry online on her personal blog and her Instagram handle @the_blind_bookworm. Her fiction debut short story is part of an anthology titled Rooted: Stories of Home, published by Tell me your Story (TMYS).



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Dislang is the voice of dissent. Moving away from the inspirational porn and expert advice, it positions itself as a medium that puts disabled, chronically ill