Let’s End The Monarchy After Queen Elizabeth II

Gem Jackson
Dismantle — Locate
5 min readApr 12, 2021


This insane arrangement has to end sometime

Photo by Mark de Jong on Unsplash

Prince Philip has died, and the UK is in the midst of eight days of national mourning.

It seems a good time to reflect on the monarchy. It’s sad that Philip died. Well, as sad as the death of any other 99-year-old man. Just about the only impact he had on my life, or anyone else I know, is through the outdoor pursuits of the Duke of Edinburgh Award taken by students in schools. It’s a nice initiative.

However, with complaints already building regarding the perceived OTT response to Philip’s passing, it begs the somewhat distasteful, albeit unavoidable, question of what will happen when the Queen dies?

Now, I’m a fairly pragmatic chap and I appreciate that there will already be well-established plans and protocols in place for when Elizabeth leaves this mortal coil. So instead, I want to address a slightly different question — what should happen when the Queen dies? Well, I have my own answer prepared already.

Let’s end the monarchy.

The argument against the monarchy

I’m serious about this. I think it’s time that we faced up to the reality that our constitutional monarchy has dissolved into an insane anachronism, unfit for a modern state and…



Gem Jackson
Dismantle — Locate

Writer and educator in law and philosophy. Also wrote a book.