Why Your Ancient Body Rebels Against our Hyper-Novel and Dysfunctional Society

Caty Lee
Exiting A Paradigm
Published in
13 min readJun 11, 2022


You’re not unfulfilled, anxious, or depressed —you’re an animal in a culture obsessed with the machine.

Photo by Aral Tasher on Unsplash

Do you ever feel a vague sense of wrongness about our culture and its seeming trajectory? For many people, this perception translates into what we might call depression or anxiety.

The problem is that the solutions offered by mainstream culture — anti-depressants or commercialized “self-care” — often aren’t so different from putting a bandage over a hand still punctured by glass. They help you contend with the surface-level manifestations of the problem but don’t relieve their true source.

If you accept mainstream solutions to your suffering, you might spend an entire decade drinking wine in a bathtub while attempting to silence the nagging resentment that comes from a life that isn’t working.

Worse, you can end up a life-long customer of an industry that considers sexual dysfunction, weight changes, and emotional blunting necessary collateral damage in a war on a “broken” brain.

There’s a better way.

Evolutionary Mismatch: A Non-Pathologizing, Robust Explanation for Human Suffering



Caty Lee
Exiting A Paradigm

Tickle your dark side. Rejoice with your golden side. Dissolve creative blocks by seeing their root causes. Talk to me @ cait@catylee.com.