An open letter to Vice President Elect Kamala Harris

Nimarta Singh
Dismissed Magazine
Published in
3 min readDec 19, 2020
Harris will be the first woman and first person of South Asian descent to become vice president of the U.S.

As a young woman of color in this country, I was so inspired by the outcome of the 2020 election. Your appointment to one of the highest positions in the United States government is a huge step forward for this nation — a step that will encourage young girls and women across the country that anything is possible. I resonate so deeply with your South Asian roots as I myself am Punjabi. To hear stories about your Indian mother and her influence on your life was unlike anything I was ever able to relate to, specifically within American politics. I now truly grasp the importance of representation — the elected officials of this nation need to match the demographics and more importantly the spirit of its people. You were elected to amplify our voices, bring our perspective into decisions and advocate for us in spaces where no one else will.

As you have probably seen, peaceful protests are taking place all around the world in support of the farmers in India who have been hit with extreme legislation that will destroy their livelihood. The Bay Bridge in Northern California was backed up for hours. Hollywood Boulevard was shut down. New York City and Seattle streets were flooded with cars and protestors. And millions crowd the streets of Delhi with their livestock and families, in the middle of winter. There has been limited media coverage and absolutely no comment from our government.

These classist policies favor the richest families in India and disenfranchise those not part of that elite circle. All these protests are attempting to shed light on the inequity of these laws and are the LARGEST in human history. Thousands and thousands of Americans have participated in car rallies and protests to show support for the farmers whose government’s own regulations are out to hurt them. We have spoken loudly and clearly on this issue. And Indians have as well.

But we haven’t heard a single statement from you.

Your removed stance just doesn’t match. It doesn’t match the platform you and Joe Biden ran on. It doesn’t match because of your Indian roots. And it doesn’t match any of the statements you have made on your commitment to your constituents, who are looking to you for support and for a voice. It almost seems like you are avoiding commenting on the issues all together. We elected you to represent us, not to act in the same manner as the current administration.

We want to continue to support you in your career, especially as you take on the tough position of vice president. But if this is how it is going to be, that is going to be an extremely tough position for many people of color to take, particularly South Asian Americans.

I urge you to take a stand, share with the public what you truly believe in, and join the fight to get rights for some of the hardest working people in the world. Your silence on this matter has already spoken volumes and to be frank, has disappointed us all. You haven’t talked about the police brutality on the streets of Delhi, you haven’t talked about the importance of inclusive policies for the farmers and you surely haven’t condemned Modi’s government for putting these laws into place.

As a daughter of a civil rights activist, I would hope you defend and protect the sacred democratic practice of protest that is being tarnished in the so-called largest democracy in the world.

