How to use and serialize NonEmptyList in a model class

Ferhat Aydın
Published in
5 min readDec 10, 2018
Photo by Gerd Altman on

When defining an API, its request and response models should reflect the exact behaviour of the API. Having type definitions (e.g. Integer, Date) on the elements of your model classes helps consumers of the APIs to set their expectations accordingly. Sometimes you would like to set more constraints on model elements, e.g. besides being a `repeated` type (e.g. `List`, `Array`), it should also contain at least one item. Even you can’t represent this kind of constraints with Json Array, you can mention it in the API documentation and your users can always expect an item from this array.

Let’s say you are implementing an API and decide to return a base error response in common error situations such as BadRequest, NotFound etc.

final case class Error(code: String, description: String)

If you are returning an error response, your assumption would probably be that such responses should contain at least one error.

You can use to put this constraint in your model class:

import{NonEmptyList => NEL}final case class ErrorResponse(errors: NEL[Error])

So far so good. You are now using cats also :)

How to serialize NonEmptyList in a model class

Then, at some point, you need to serialize those responses to return a response back to the caller. Let’s say you are using play-json for that purpose and you define boilerplate-free formatters:

final case class Error(code: String, description: String)object Error {
implicit val errorFormat: OFormat[Error] =
final case class ErrorResponse(errors: NEL[Error])object ErrorResponse {def apply(code: String, desc: String): ErrorResponse =
ErrorResponse(NEL.of(Error(code, desc)))
implicit val errorResponseFormat: OFormat[ErrorResponse] =

When you test your code you realise there is a problem. The serialized result has an object with head and tail fields, instead of a normal JSON array:

import play.api.libs.json._object Usage {val er = ErrorResponse("someCode", "someDesc")
val erJSon = Json.toJson(er)
val erJSonString =
| "errors": {
| "head": {
| "code": "someCode",
| "description": "someDesc"
| },
| "tail": []
| }

val expectedJsonString =
| "errors": [
| {
| "code": "someCode",
| "description": "someDesc"
| }
| ]

This is because NonEmptyList is just another case class and play-json serializes it like any other.

package cats.datafinal case class NonEmptyList[+A](head: A, tail: List[A])

In order to fix this you need to define custom Reads and Writes instances for fields that have type NEL[Error]. Since you can convert NEL to a regular List easily with the .toList method on NEL, you can write Writes[NEL[Error]] as follows:

object Error {

implicit val errorFormat: OFormat[Error] =

implicit val nelErrorWrites: Writes[NEL[Error]] = Writes { nelErrors =>


Writing the instance of Reads[NEL[Error]] is a bit trickier. You can use the apply method of Reads for that. After extracting a sequence of JsValues from JsArray and converting it to a regular list, we have a List[JsValue]. We need to convert that List[JsValue] to a JsResult[NEL[Error]] which is the expected result of Reads[NEL[Error]].

object Error {

implicit val nelErrorReads: Reads[NEL[Error]] = Reads {
case JsArray(errors) =>
errors.toList match {
case head :: tail => ??? // should be JsResult[NEL[Error]]
case Nil => JsError("expected a NonEmptyList but got empty list")
case other: JsValue =>
JsError(s"expected an array but got ${other.toString}")


After validating the head and tail of that List[JsValue] and creating a NEL as shown below, we need to change the place of the NEL and JsResult data types.

val nelJsResult: NEL[JsResult[Error]] =

The general solution whenever you encounter this problem, is to do a traverse or sequence, just as it is when transforming a List[Future[Result]] to a Future[List[Result]].

Let’s try traverse first. We need a cats.Applicative[JsResult] to use traverse on NEL[JsResult[A]]. To create an applicative instance for your data type, which is JsResult here, you need to implement the pure and ap methods on cats.Applicative. Helpfully the play-json JsResult companion object has a play.api.libs.functional.Applicative[JsResult] instance so we can just create a cats.Applicative instance that delegates to JsResult.applicativeJsResult.

import cats.Applicativeval nelJsResult: NEL[JsResult[Error]] =

implicit object jsResultApplicative extends Applicative[JsResult] {
override def pure[A](x: A): JsResult[A] =
override def ap[A, B](
ff: JsResult[(A) => B]
)(fa: JsResult[A]): JsResult[B] =
JsResult.applicativeJsResult.apply(ff, fa)

nelJsResult.traverse[JsResult, Error](identity)(applicative)

Great! It is done. As a final improvement, if you want to get rid of that identity method, you can call sequence as an extension method on your nelJsResult without any extra method by importing import cats.syntax.traverse._.

import cats.Applicative
import{NonEmptyList => NEL}
import cats.syntax.traverse._
import play.api.libs.json._
object Error {implicit object jsResultApplicative extends Applicative[JsResult] {override def pure[A](x: A): JsResult[A] =
override def ap[A, B](
ff: JsResult[(A) => B]
)(fa: JsResult[A]): JsResult[B] =
JsResult.applicativeJsResult.apply(ff, fa)
implicit val nelErrorReads: Reads[NEL[Error]] = Reads {
case JsArray(errors) =>
errors.toList match {
case head :: tail =>
val nelJsResult: NEL[JsResult[Error]] =

nelJsResult.sequence[JsResult, Error]
case Nil => JsError("expected a NonEmptyList but got empty list")
case other: JsValue =>
JsError(s"expected an array but got ${other.toString}")

Now, you are ready to get the JSON results you expect.

object Usage {val er = ErrorResponse("someCode", "someDesc")val erJSon = Json.toJson(er)
val erJsonString =
| "errors": [
| {
| "code": "someCode",
| "description": "someDesc"
| }
| ]
val er2 = ErrorResponse(
Error("someCode", "someDesc"),
Error("someCode2", "someDesc2")
val er2Json = Json.toJson(er2)
val er2JsonString = """
| "errors": [
| {
| "code": "someCode",
| "description": "someDesc"
| },
| {
| "code": "someCode2",
| "description": "someDesc2"
| }
| ]

Simplifying the solution

Actually, if you pay enough attention to the play-json library internals (specifically Reads and Writes companion objects), you will realise that there is a simpler way of creating the Reads and Writes for NEL which involves less boilerplate.

play-json can derive a Format[List[A]] for us, thanks to the existence of implicit def traversableWrites[A: Writes] in play.api.libs.json.DefaultWrites and implicit def traversableReads[F[_], A](implicit bf: generic.CanBuildFrom[F[_], A, F[A]], ra: Reads[A]) in play.api.libs.json.DefaultReads. Because we can convert an NEL to a List, you can define Reads[NEL[T]] in terms of Reads[List[T]] with the help of the collect function. In the same way, Writes[NEL[T]] can be defined in terms of Writes[List[T]] with contramap as follows:

import{NonEmptyList => NEL}
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
import play.api.libs.json._
object NonEmptyListOps {def reads[T: Reads]: Reads[NEL[T]] =
JsonValidationError("expected a NonEmptyList but got an empty list")
) {
case head :: tail => NEL(head, tail)
def writes[T: Writes]: Writes[NEL[T]] =
def format[T: Format]: Format[NEL[T]] =
Format(reads, writes)

After summoning a Reads[List[Error] we use a partial function to match on the structure of the deserialized list and extract the head so we can pass it to NEL. collect takes a JsonValidationError which will be used in the scenario where the match fails because the JSON list was empty.


You can start with the first solution for your problem that comes to mind, but by digging into the details and trying different approaches, you might simplify it.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.

This post is a collaborative work of Ferhat Aydin and David Piggott.

