This week in #Scala (May 18, 2020)

Welcome to the new edition of #ThisWeekInScala!

Petr Zapletal
2 min readMay 17, 2020


This blog aims to keep you up to date with the latest news from the world of Scala and Reactive programming.

It has been a week since the previous #ThisWeekInScala so lets catch-up on the latest Scala & Reactive happenings…

New Content


  • Metals v0.9.0 — Lithium available
  • Version 0.7.0 of the Mill build tool is out
  • scalajs-benchmark v0.6.0 released with Scala.JS 1.0 support, JMH JSON export, and more
  • sort-imports 0.5.0 available
  • onnx-scala 0.3.0 is out
  • Dotty 0.24.0-RC1 released
  • Alpakka 2.0 Released
  • Akka Persistence Cassandra 1.0 released
  • Released Akka HTTP 10.1.12 — particularly interesting when you’re using HTTP/2 and want to update to JDK 8u252
  • ScalaCSS 0.6.1 released with Scala.JS 1.0 support
  • TestState 2.4.1 released with Scala.JS 1.0 support

In case you are looking for new challenges, pay attention, because Disney Streaming Services is hiring!

