Hidden Gems of Disney’s Animal Kingdom

Laurie Eng
Published in
4 min readNov 19, 2017

Disney’s Animal Kingdom has become more than just the half-day park of years past. On the brink of the park’s 20th anniversary, Disney has gone way beyond the ten opening day attractions of the park. With the creation of a new land in Pandora, and so many new experiences for the Disney-obsessed (your ring leader here), it’s easy to miss out on some of the details Imagineers put in for you to discover.

Harambe Bricks

Harambe in Swahili means pulling and working together. Harambe Village has a wonderful backstory that many guests may not realize. Formerly a Dutch Colony, after a peaceful revolution, the village became self governing. Remnants of it’s colonization can be found on the floor where brick walls enclosing the village used to lie. Since the revolution, Harambe has become a hot tourist and merchant destination. Village governers didn’t feel the need to keep the walls up anymore. Don’t miss out on any of the delicious offerings at Harambe Market or Dawa Bar. Bonus gem: After looking at the ground, look up at the thatched roofs that were completed by people of Zululand in South Africa.

Fort remnants of Harambe via WDW Info

The Oasis

Even though not technically hidden, it’s easy to walk right past this part of the park, although it’s the first land you come to when you enter! Rides are not the draw in the Oasis, and instead it’s the amazingly curated plant and animal life that so many guests walk by. The lush, forest-like atmosphere houses amazing animal exhibits with cast members close by to answer any questions you might have about what you’re looking at. The landscaping instantly transports you out of the parking lot and the entrance gates and immediately sets up the “wild” experience you’re about to have.

Lush landscaping of the Oasis via WDW Info
Macaw exhibit via WDW Tour Guide
Bridge taking you into the Oasis jungle via Disney World

Serka Zong

The backstory of the village at the base of Expedition Everest is also gem that Disney lovers will appreciate. Housed within the fictional kingdom of Anandapur, the village of Serka Zong used to have a primary income made from tea trading. The tea came from high in the mountains, that they used steam trains to harvest and bring back to the base of the mountain. Are you starting to see the story build?! And now the buildings that used to be tea companies are trekking companies capitilizing on the tourism the mountain brings. Bonus gem: Take a close look at the shrine across the river from Expedition Everest, you’ll begin to notice that the shape of the shrine closely mimics the shape of the mountain.

Anandapur tea exporting in Serka Zong via WDW Theme Parks
Everest Shrine via Flickr

Background Music

This goes without saying, every land and area where guests walk on Disney property, has the perfectly selected soundtrack for your magical day. Animal Kingdom deserves a special shoutout for it’s background music because of the incredible diversity of it. Case in point, from one end of the park to another, in Dinoland U.S.A. you can be jamming to the song stylings of R.E.M. and Blue Oyster Cult, but then if you jet across to Africa, you’ll be tuning into authentic beats and rhythms from different countries all over Africa. Take the time to wait around for the Karibu Sisters and Burudika, two live entertainment acts that should not be missed!

Karibu Sisters in Harambe via Disney World

Speak Na’vi in Pandora

Pandora is the newest addition to Animal Kingdom and we’re all just getting to know the land and the Na’vi culture. And there’s no better way to connect with a new culture than talking with the locals. Oh, you don’t speak Na’vi? No problem! Ask an Alpha Centauri Expeditions team member for some Na’vi phrases you can learn. There are about 1,000 words in the Na’vi language. Start off with “kaltxi” or “hello.”

Swotu Waya Na’vi Drum Ceremony in Pandora via WDW Info

Hope this brings some magic to your day!

— Laurie

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Laurie Eng

Everything Disney. Fan, “The Walt Daily” Flash Briefing and podcast.