Change google username

That was convoluted…

Greetings from the Couch
Disorderly Instruct
1 min readMay 22, 2020


I’ve had a job to try and “harmonise” a bunch of randomly named google accounts for a business I contract to.

We wanted to use to login with.

It has taken quite a few hours and a lot of research to work out that this is, in fact, fairly simple.

We worked under the premise we’d need to create new accounts, from scratch, transfer ownership to these accounts, and then close the originals.

What I didn’t know was while you CANNOT EVER change the Google Username. You CAN change the username you login with.

So, here goes…

Change the login account name in Google

  • Login to Google in the usual way.
  • Click your user icon at the top right > click Manage your Google Account.
  • Click Personal Info > Email.
  • Click Alternative Emails > Confirm your password.
  • Click Add Other Email > enter the new account.
  • Google sends a confirmation to that account, and once confirmed, you can login using that.

NOTE: This will fail if you’ve already setup an account using this email address.



Greetings from the Couch
Disorderly Instruct

Really not a neural network enhanced instabot from the nastiest burrows of the darknet. (also do chai reviews on @melbournechai )