SXSW Panel Proposals from ABQ/NM

Dispatch ABQ
Published in
6 min readAug 8, 2017

The road to SXSW (in March! 2018!) is a long one, but it can be fun. Potential panelists took a big step on that journey yesterday (8/7) when the SXSW Panel-Picker opened to the public. Now’s the time when panel organizers hit up friends and colleagues for potential votes — and I am no different.

But… I think it’s all cool, because everytime I search for panels and look at the different themes, I find a *lot* of sessions I’d love to attend — and will recommend to all sorts of colleagues anyway. I am a fan.

A big part of my being a fan is having experienced the power of connecting my ecosystem in Albuquerque with the wider world of innovation that SXSW brings together in one convenient place that’s not too far away. So as part of all that, I encourage readers to check out the Panel-Picker proposals for the following sessions, all of which have some Albuquerque flavor:

Startup Communities Built From Scratch

In the years since Brad Feld’s “Startup Communities” and the launch of Startup America, thriving startup ecosystems have been coming together across the U.S. In this session, we’ll hear from startup community builders who have built ecosystems from scratch in Albuquerque, Honolulu and Lincoln and how TechCo has supported emerging ecosystem growth. Hear about the lessons they’ve learned and tips/strategies that can be applied in other emerging startup scenes.


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Creating Your Destiny in the Gig Economy

Employers and workers have experienced challenges and opportunities created by ICTs. Adaptability is a must in a world where traditional roles, hierarchies, spaces, expectations, ways of communicating, and getting hired have changed. Many people now work from gig to gig needing different skills for each job. Our panel will address how professionals can rise to the top by creating their own personal brand reinforced with their unique online presence and in-person pitch.

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Coding @ Exascale: Productivity, Process & People

By 2023, Exascale computing (a quintillion FLOPS) will help us solve complex problems of national and global importance such as developing new energy sources, simulating the human brain, advancing medical research, and modeling the Earth’s climate and global economy. However, the promise of exascale computing hinges on how well we approach the socio-technical challenges of empowering people, process, and productivity. How are we addressing disruptive change and new opportunities today?

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Leveraging Data and AI to Transform Cities

We believe the next wave of urban innovation has the potential to be inclusive and tackle disparities in access to cities’ services. Our key idea is for cities to leverage open data to make their services more responsive to citizens needs and enable dynamic interactions. Our AI chat bot, MIRA, allows anyone to find crucial city services using natural language processing. We demonstrate how finding food, shelter, healthcare, legal support can be made more accessible and empathetic to citizens.


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Making it Real: Tangible Worlds of Storytelling

In an increasingly digital world, it can be difficult for storytellers to break through the noise. Through new media technology, filmmakers, artists and technologists are transporting viewers back to a tactile approach to entertainment. From immersive theater to augmented reality, physical connection to art and storytelling can dramatically transform a viewer experience. Panelists will discuss how connecting viewers physically can spark personal memories, reverberating long after the experience.

Learn more & vote at:

SocEnt: Rethinking Startups via Social Enterprise

While the search and support for “unicorn” startups remain the goal, data clearly shows that other kinds of entrepreneurs are the ones who are succeeding more often and having a positive impact in their communities. Whether it’s termed “social entrepreneurship,” building “Zebra” startups or simply starting and growing local businesses that are mission-driven, there are new options available. In this session, we will illustrate the power of sustainable businesses models for the 21st century.


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State of GovTech: The Next Steps for Civic Tech

Each year, state and local government agencies spend over $100 billion dollars on information technology solutions — creating a market category identified as ‘Gov Tech’. Although Gov Tech is not a new industry — it is undergoing a radical transformation driven by tech-savvy government agencies, the emergence of new startups and a growing venture capital ecosystem. This panel brings together experts from government and industry to discuss the technology revolution happening in government.


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Surviving the Cyber Apocalypse

“World War III is a guerrilla information war with no division between military and civilian participation,” said media theorist Marshall McLuhan. From click bait headlines focused on driving traffic, 4chan ops, twitter debate and disinformation media sites; is McLuhan right? What tools are necessary to survive in this volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous world? This panel will explore the philosophy behind McLuhan’s quote and give practical advice for surviving the digital apocalypse.


Learn more & vote at:


I’ve also found a few more Albuquerque-related sessions proposed for SXSW EDU with some of Albuquerque Public Schools’ Apple Distinguished Educators (I didn’t even know we had those!). Here they are:

Baseline Skills for the 21st Century

Nearly everyone in education has a list of skills that “every student should learn.” But what are the real baseline demands we should make of students, particularly when more jobs are “hybrids” blending different skill sets? What set of abilities will enable graduates to navigate the workforce? Our panel will look at the latest data on what employers demand in the job market, examining emerging skills such as coding, design, and data analysis, as well as traditional “soft skill” requirements.

Learn more and vote at:


Two Apple Distinguished Educators, will discuss how to redefine the perception of student and teacher collaboration. Engaging students with meaningful learning experiences in today’s world is not an easy task. It is even more difficult to engage overwhelmed parents! By using TouchCast (smart videos) and Nearpod, educators and students have the ability to reignite passion and participation in the multiple classrooms while meeting any educational objective and fostering parent participation.

Learn more & vote at:

The Student Digital Architect

Three innovators will discuss how to create national, independent digital architects. By equipping all students to become the technological leaders and examples within their schools, they become infectious natures within the learning community. The twist: high school students are mentoring elementary students 700 miles away using the tools and methods they explore. Student-led transference of tech knowledge is seen by engaging in the tools needed to support meaningful digital application.

Learn more & vote at:

Don’t those all make you want to experience SXSW in 2018? If so, the pricing and lodging options will never be better than right now. Also, please consider following our community efforts to promote Albuquerque, our startups and other innovators with ABQ2SXSW.



Dispatch ABQ

working together to grow healthier entrepreneurial ecosystems in New Mexico and across the US.