How do locals really feel about Trump’s move to gut Bears Ears National Monument?


Bears Ears National Monument, Utah, by Bob Wick

On Dec. 4, President Donald Trump signed an illegal proclamation to reduce southern Utah’s Bears Ears National Monument by 85 percent and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument by 50 percent. Coincidentally, the lands to lose protections are also sites of proposed coal and uranium mines. What do Utah locals think about Trump’s decision? We dispatched journalist Nate Schweber to interview people in the rural communities that would be affected by changes. It is clear from the results that they are not happy. Here’s how they responded:

Cassandra Begay, student, community organizer, Navajo

In May, Begay gained viral attention when Trump’s Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke snapped at her at a press event telling her “be nice” after she asked him why we wasn’t visiting with tribal leaders during his visit to Bears Ears. Watch the video and learn more about Cassandra Begay’s story here.

Patricia Yeaman, mother, accountant, Navajo

As a Navajo, Patricia Yeaman feels the protection of Bears Ears National Monument is sacred business. Hear more of what she has to say here.


Editor’s note: The interviews below were obtained in the summer of 2017 after the announcement that the Trump administration would review more than 20 national monuments, including Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante in Utah. The decision to gut those monuments had not been finalized yet.

Joe Pachack, artist and farmer, Bluff, Utah

Jimmie Maryboy, Vietnam Veteran and resident of Bluff, Utah

Liza Doran, owner of Cow Canyon Trading Post, Bluff, Utah

Steve Simpson, owner Twin Rocks Trading Post and Twin Rocks Café, Bluff, Utah

Don Simonis, retired archaeologist for the Bureau of Land Management and Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bluff, Utah

Vaughn Hadenfeldt, archaeologist and owner of Far Out Expeditions, Bluff, Utah. Hear more of what Vaughn has to say.

Jared Berrett, owner of Wild River Expeditions and Four Corners Adventures, Bluff, Utah. Hear more of what Jared has to say.

Marcia Simonis, Archaeological educator, Bluff Utah. Hear more of what Marcia has to say.



The Wilderness Society
Dispatches from rural America: Locals speak about Trump’s public lands review

The Wilderness Society’s mission is to protect wilderness and inspire Americans to care for our wild places.