Authentically Bold

Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2018

Monday The Dispatch Main Net went live and is now up and running

The Dispatch team and partners following the launch of Mainnet. Confirmation of the first transaction on the network is projected on the screen behind the team members.

Dispatch is pleased to announce that our main network is now live — a milestone for not only our company but the world of distributed-ledger technology as a whole.

At 4:06 p.m. Pacific Standard Time on Monday, Dispatch CEO Matt McGraw had his youngest daughter, four-year-old Lily, hit “enter” on his laptop keyboard to confirm the first transaction on Mainnet, a transfer of 42 Divvies, the official Dispatch protocol token.

McGraw paused before approving the transaction, as he had to include a message explaining his approval. He finally typed: “So Lily has her privacy back” — a reference to the Dispatch platform’s design as a platform to build secure applications that don’t rely on centralizing user data like many current online services.

After a few minutes, the network returned a confirmation of the transfer, which elicited shouts and popping of champagne in the Dispatch offices in San Francisco’s historic Mission District. Most of the team, save for a few members working remotely or traveling, had assembled, along with several partners, advisers, and former staff who returned.

Dispatch CTO Zane Witherspoon worked throughout the day on eleventh-hour testing with Dispatch Quality Assurance Director Denis Molchanenko, and software engineers Bob Stevens and Brian Woods.

In that respect, the morning was much like any other workday at Dispatch. But anticipation grew throughout the afternoon as more staff arrived to witness the scheduled launch. Perhaps the earliest sign that something out of the ordinary was afoot was when COO Patrik Wijkstrom arrived wearing a tuxedo, minus tie and jacket.

After a brief pause to celebrate the Mainnet launch, we’re now going to get back to the hard work of building the best platform yet for powerful, data-centric apps. In his latest developer update, posted on Friday, Zane spelled out what’s next for the Dispatch platform post-Mainnet in terms of new features and functionality to come.

Here are some more pictures from Mainnet Launch Day:

Zane and Denis doing last-minute testing prior to the launch of Mainnet.
Zane and Matt pause to celebrate.
Confirmation of the first transaction on Mainnet.
From left, Dispatch Co-Founder Ivan Goldensohn, Executive Wrangler Ashley Gates, Matt, and Patrik.

For fuller technical details about what’s to come for Mainnet, please check out Zane’s developer update post from last week. Or, for a high-level executive overview of the Dispatch platform, take a look at our “lite paper.”

Excited about Mainnet? Give us a 👏 or a share. Have an opinion or feedback? We want to hear it. Join the conversation on Discord or Telegram.

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Dispatch is building a revolutionary business-ready blockchain protocol: an advanced platform that facilitates the upload and control of programmable files