Dispatch partners with Aura to boost recruitment of crypto talent

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3 min readSep 11, 2018

The blockchain startup Dispatch and its parent company, The Bureau, are pleased to announce a new partnership with Aura, a decentralized professional network that uses tokenomics to match the world’s best tech talent with the right career opportunities.

Aura will help Dispatch, the Bureau, and their clients connect with top blockchain engineers and other prospective employees to grow their teams. Aura and Dispatch are also exploring other opportunities to collaborate, including possible joint industry events to promote blockchain technology.

“Our success at Dispatch is predicated on the success of DApp developers building great products — it really is about them,” said Matt McGraw, Dispatch’s co-founder and CEO. “What better way to help our developer community and the projects building on Dispatch than to partner with a firm bringing new top talent into the field?”

Grounded in blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies, Aura brings efficiency, transparency, and validity to hiring processes. Its Aura Token (AUX) enables companies to hire talent on the Aura platform, instantly pay that talent, and use smart contracts to manage transactions.

Dispatch is building the first blockchain protocol to combine business logic with managing large amounts of data using on-chain smart contracts with distributed storage of application data off-chain. Developers can get an early look at the Dispatch platform via its publicly available Test Network, which now includes a supported Application Programming Interface following its recent v2.2 update.

For fuller information about the API and Test Network v2.2, visit https://api.dispatch.io. All the code for Dispatch’s software is also available on an open source basis at https://github.com/dispatchlabs

With the innovative consensus algorithm known as Delegated Asynchronous Proof of Stake at the core of Dispatch’s platform, it will verify transactions rapidly, have low energy requirements that make it incredibly eco-friendly, and remove transaction fees.

The Dispatch blockchain effectively solves for transaction speed and scalability issues that have recently plagued other blockchain communities. The novel DAPoS consensus algorithm will allow the new platform to process orders of magnitude more transactions per second than Ethereum or Bitcoin, for example.

“We’re very excited to partner with a company like Dispatch that’s innovating at the protocol layer of the blockchain ecosystem,” said Anastasia Green, Aura’s co-founder and CEO. “They’re truly building a new foundation upon which developers can create a bold new future across many different industries. We’re eager to help them find the talent to get there.”

Green recently interviewed Dispatch’s co-founders for her company’s YouTube channel at http://bit.ly/2O76riD

About Dispatch

Dispatch is designing the decentralized architecture for an enterprise-ready blockchain. The Dispatch blockchain is purpose-built for speed and scale. With its innovative consensus algorithm, Delegated Asynchronous Proof of Stake (DAPoS), Dispatch enables enterprises and developers who work with big data to create scalable, fast and versatile decentralized apps. Dispatch supports creativity, growth and responsible change, and partners with startups and high-growth enterprises alike. For more information, visit www.dispatchlabs.io or Dispatch on Telegram at https://t.me/dispatchlabs

About Aura

Aura is a decentralized professional network with a mission to match the world’s best talent with the right career opportunities to create synergistic workplaces within the technology industry. Based in San Francisco, Aura enables professional profile building, professional development tools, worker-to-business matching, hiring, and performance review. The Aura Token (AUX) represents the digitized time and professional reputation of the best technical teams and individuals, closing the huge gap between available talent and customer demand. For more information, visit Aura’s website at https://auracoins.io

Media Contacts

Aura: Anastasia Green, Co-Founder/CEO, ana@auracoins.io

Dispatch: Darin Kotalik, VP/Marketing, darin@dispatchlabs.io

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