Dispatch’s new “light paper” makes exciting new protocol digestible for newbies

Peter A. McKay
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2018

Ever since Satoshi Nakamoto put out his/her/their landmark publication about bitcoin in 2008, white papers have been a crucial aspect of launching any new blockchain project. Dispatch’s new protocol is no exception, and we’re particularly trying to be responsive to our community’s unique needs in our approach to the white paper requirement.

In that spirit, we’ve now published not one but two papers. Each targets a specific audience interested in the different components of our exciting new platform for data-centric distributed apps, coupled with powerful enterprise analytics.

For developers and other technical readers, Dispatch Co-Founder and Chief Technical Officer Zane Witherspoon recently published an updated version of his previous paper covering Dispatch’s novel consensus algorithm (DAPoS), the Divvy token his team has in the works, and similar nitty-gritty details.

Separately, we’ve also now done a “lite paper” giving a high-level overview of the Dispatch platform for less technical folks who are interested in what we’re building. We think this audience has often been overlooked by other blockchain projects, and it really ought to be better included in the conversation if this technology is to truly fulfill its world-changing potential.

We’d recommend that enterprise CEOs, product managers, investors, and other non-developer sorts who think Dispatch might be useful to their organizations take a look at our new “lite paper” today. This is just the latest way we’re trying to help include as many interested stakeholders as possible in our new platform, which we truly believe offers unprecedented benefits to a variety of industries that haven’t previously harnessed the power of distributed ledger technology.

You can download the Dispatch “lite paper” here.

Learn more about Dispatch Labs:



Peter A. McKay

Storyteller, thought leader, and marketer focused on blockchain/web3. I publish #w3w, a newsletter about decentralization. Ex-reporter for the Wall St Journal.