Launch of the Dispatch Labs IO Blog

Ivan Goldensohn
Published in
1 min readNov 10, 2017

Dispatch Labs is excited to announce the creation of this blog, a space for sharing updates on the development of our technology and company. It will also act as a home for discussion of issues important to the team, and a space for us add our take on the overall narrative around blockchain.

Dispatch is a new blockchain protocol which allows the control and management of programmable artifacts (data of any kind, files, merkle trees, etc) which are stored off-chain, but managed within the chain. Dispatch is building the underlying layer for all future decentralized applications by combining the best existing protocols and improving upon them, adding a wide variety of functionality to smart contract technology by creating secure off-chain storage. Our usage of off-chain storage solutions dramatically improves the functionality of blockchain, and allows our new technology to be both a better business case, but also ecologically and socially conscious and progressive.

In the near future we will be sharing use cases for the Dispatch protocol, discussing unmet needs, covering the differentiation between our tech and existing solutions, and more.

Please let us know what is important to you, and what content you would like to see by connecting with us on social media or telegram.

Telegram: Dispatch Team

Twitter: @DispatchLabsIO

