The Dispatch Mobile Wallet is here.
Your giddiness is understandable.

Published in
2 min readAug 9, 2018

At Dispatch, we believe in a better blockchain that can be used at scale by everyone; a powerful evolution of the internet as we all know it. We also believe in holding our horses. Because before we can get to the glorious future that is Web 3.0, we have to reach users via the connected platforms they’re using right now.

And since you’re probably reading this on your phone, let’s start there. Today we’re excited to launch our first mobile app for both iOS and Android.

The new Dispatch Labs app is a mobile wallet that connects to our test network (for now). There you can:

• Generate your own private key and address on the Dispatch test network.

• Sign into the test network with your private key.

• Send and receive tokens.

• Maintain multiple accounts.

• View your transaction history and current balance of tokens.

• Light up your room in purple.

And this is only the beginning. Our highly skilled, genuinely badass dev team will be adding features over time, with an eye toward connecting it to our full production network by year end. (At that point, we’ll also start trading our official token: the Divvy.)

For now, this first version of our mobile wallet offers everyone a preview of what’s in store at Dispatch Labs. In the meantime, the world and your phone just got a little bit nicer. We’re eager to see users start trading test tokens and even begin developing distributed applications (dApps) with them, including smart contract functionality.

“The mobile app will be a one-stop shop for people to interact with the Dispatch network and the dApps built on it,” said Dispatch co-founder and chief technology officer Zane Witherspoon. “Pretty soon, users will be able to use the app for currency transfers, network statistics, and as a browser to interact with a wide variety of applications created by our community.”

Whether you’re a blockchain aficionado or just enjoy things that are awesome, you’ll want to be a part of this. The protocol we’re creating will be the most powerful ever for building data-intensive distributed apps to support a multitude of industries and use-cases.

And it’s available for you to check out today, right there on your smartphone.

Get your own wallet

