5 Best apps that every working mom & entrepreneur should use

Aditya Dongre
Call Emmy
Published in
Oct 4, 2021

Being a mom and entrepreneur herself, Arezou talks about how she uses certain “not so famous” apps to boost her productivity.

Of course, there are conventional “must-have” apps for running a business such as Trello, Slack, LinkedIn, etc.

But with the help of the below-mentioned applications, not only do you get to excel at your workplace and manage your time efficiently, but they also help you find the perfect balance between work and personal life.

  1. Insight Timer
  2. I Am App
  3. Any.do
  4. Audible
  5. Call Emmy

Check out this article and learn what these apps do.



Aditya Dongre
Call Emmy

Digital Marketer, avid Gamer and a so called Engineer