First Person Puzzle The Spectrum Retreat Developer Gameplay

Dan Thornton
Disposable Media
Published in
1 min readJun 7, 2018

The Spectrum Retreat is a new first person puzzle game created by BAFTA Young Game Designer winner Dan Smith. It takes place at a peaceful but unsettling hotel in the near future. And as you’d imagine there are some mysteries to uncover, particularly about your stay as a valued guest. In the early stages, you’ll need to use basic colour swapping mechanics, which will become more complicated as you progress.

So who better to take you through 11 minutes of gameplay in the Penrose Hotel than Dan Smith himself. You’ll get to see some of the pristine art deco locations, and how the narrative will progress alongside the colour-coded and phsyics challenges of getting through the game.

Dan Smith is the winner of a BAFTA YGD Game Making Award, and a Computer Science studen at the University of Leeds. The Spectrum Retreat is the first title from Dan Smith Studios and it’s being published by Ripstone Games who work with indie developers.

If that’s got you intrigued, you’ll be pleased to know the Penrose Hotel will be opening for visitors soon. The Spectrum Retreat is arriving on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC in summer, 2018.

Originally published at Disposable Media.



Dan Thornton
Disposable Media

Founder @thewayoftheweb - content, marketing and technology. Also writes, blogs, loves motorcycles, eats steak tacos and reads a lot