Cryptocurrency PR: 10 Secrets to Position Yourself as a Leader

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5 min readOct 21, 2019

Do you want to be a leading voice and an authority figure in the ever-growing cryptocurrency space? Well, here is the thing: you are not alone. To achieve it, you need to stay on top of the game, up to date with the latest trends in the industry, and obviously build your name via social media.

There are simple, yet highly useful tips to turn you into a leader in the cryptocurrency industry in no time:

1. Grow your own unique voice

Thought leaders are the people who stand out from the rest of the crowd. They tower above everyone else through their unique and authoritative tone. Real leaders don’t copy others or try to be who they are not, they rather build on their personality to create an image that appeals to everyone.

Being a thought leader does not mean you will please everyone. You just have to share valuable information with the world and those who believe in what you are saying will gladly follow you. A good name takes time to build, be prepared to patiently cultivate your online presence.

2. Turn to social media

Social media has become a powerful business tool and it won’t do you any good to ignore it. Social media sites such as Twitter provide a platform for you to grow a large audience that religiously reads and reacts to your posts.

Think of the likes of John McAfee. You may argue that the man built his name as a cybersecurity expert and entrepreneur, but he has a huge following on Twitter due to the way he lives his life and calls out things.

He charges a lot of money to promote a cryptocurrency project through a single tweet. He has earned that right.

You don’t have to be like him, but you can use his social media strategy to gain a huge following and become one of the leading voices in crypto.

3. Read and scrutinize latest news

There is no doubt that some of the leading figures in the industry are always consuming legitimate news from credible sources. Have a routine of reading leading industry sources on a daily basis and make use of expert opinions.

Take the time to analyze what those who have been in the industry longer than you are doing. Do not be afraid to criticize companies that are making bad moves or jumping into debates about new regulations, or explaining complicated concepts. This is exactly what people are looking for.

While it will not immediately earn you a huge fan base, it gives you credibility, and in the long run, it will work in your favor.

4. Engage other thought leaders

The old adage that birds of the same feathers flock together is true. Some even say that show me your friends and I will tell you who you are.

The people that you talk to or argue with say a lot about your character and how others perceive you.

Engage with other respected leaders in the industry even if it on conflicting ideas. This exposes your brand to the public while building your own profile as a force to reckon with.

5. Participate on events / get interviewed

A thought leader constantly appears on mainstream media to give away interviews to talk about the developments in the industry and what needs to be done to move forward. Sometimes, you may have to defend the industry, and this is a sure way to earn you some fans.

Leading figures in the industry host Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions where people ask them any questions and they respond immediately. Go to podcasts and allow yourself to be interviewed.

Do not also wait for media platforms to invite you to their platforms. You can reach out to them and make your intentions known that you want to appear in their episodes. Avail yourself to as many platforms as possible.

6. Reach outside your field

Some think that the best way to make it in the industry is to engage with the community only. You can actually earn more respect by reaching out to people who have nothing to do with bitcoin. Tron founder Justin Sun, who is known for his aggressive marketing techniques, paid more than $4.5 million to have a charity lunch with legendary investor Warren Buffett.

Buffett is a well-known long-time critic of bitcoin, and has previously referred to the leading digital asset as “rat poison squared.”

What Sun achieved by winning the charity lunch on an online auction was getting people outside the industry to pay attention to crypto and dig out who he is. Sun managed to reach out many people by interacting with someone who exists outside the crypto industry.

And you don’t have to spend millions to do that.

7. Don’t over-promote

Thought leaders don’t have to be marketing gurus or rely on hype to generate interest. The frenzy of 2017 is long gone and those in the industry are seeking genuine projects with potential.

Only 10 percent of your online content should be promotional. You should center your conversations around thoughtful and deep insights. This will be shared by many people and you will market your name or brand even better.

Think of the mysterious bitcoin creator Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin was not really a well-marketed project, but the well-written technical white paper did all the tricks. Strive to do the same by churning out very thoughtful content.

8. Consistency is everything

Be consistent in providing your audience with fresh content, be it blog posts, webinars, or video tutorials. Share your content across a vast number of social media platforms. Your audience should know when to expect something fresh and new from you. At the same, give your brand a unique identity.

Have a memorable catchphrase that many people will talk about. Your name will always be associated with it whenever the phrase is mentioned.

9. Understand your audience

Take some time to understand your audience as this goes a long way in determining the tone and voice you will use. Know what your audience wants to achieve, their knowledge & education level, pain points, and desires.

Moreover, understand the digital platforms they like to use. Do they like podcasts, videos, or just written content. Give them what they want and they will be loyal to you for a long time.

10. Show your vulnerability

Surprisingly, being vulnerable goes a long way. The ability to showcase your flaws, coupled with the willingness to learn from your mistakes has the potential to build your credibility faster. This helps to create a more human approach that your audience can relate with.

Want to become a leader in the crypto space?

DisPRuptive doesn’t just claim to be the best marketing & PR agency for cryptocurrency and blockchain-based projects, we have a record to prove it.

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