Thinking Bigger — How To Write A Compelling Story For Your Company

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5 min readNov 6, 2019

Once upon a time, adding the terms ‘blockchain’, ‘cryptocurrency’, ‘token’ to your project was enough to be labeled as an innovator and easily catch the attention of press. Unfortunately, those days are long gone, along with those secret buzzwords.

For blockchain projects and companies trying to make a name for themselves in the cryptocurrency world, storytelling has become a different ball game altogether.

Make no mistake. Creating a compelling story around your business is still possible, and necessary. But to achieve good results, business owners need to put an extra work into it.

This article looks at how to tell your story from the perspective of experts so that it will stick and possible captivate a big audience effortlessly.

Take your story where it matters

Nicole Jordan, the CEO of Los-Angeles-based Radix Collective believes that the crypto PR market has taken a different turn and works differently from traditional PR strategies.

While in other industries having a comprehensive, clean and on-point social media strategy based on Facebook and Twitter would serve well your marketing goals and even help you secure the attention of media, that simply doesn’t work for the cryptocurrency industry.

Instead of relying on typical communication channels, the cryptocurrency community has shown appreciation for alternatives such as Reddit, BitcoinTalk, Telegram, Discord, etc. Your story will not get the attention it deserves unless you deliver it to the right audience.

Go back to basis: why are you ‘here’?

The Initial Coin Offering market is now saturated. Last year, tens of thousands of ICOs were launched with only 2200 of them being able to secure funds. With the number of projects on the rise, competition for investors is intensifying rapidly.

The industry has become a jungle and only the fittest survive. But… are you among them? No, there’s no need to have a six-pack for your fundraising to thieve. Yet, you still need to leave the old-school marketing tactics behind and embrace a forward-thinking approach.

Let us rephrase. Despite being really excited about the great technology your project is using (i.e. blockchain), focus on the solutions that you offer real people, consumers.

Here’s the thing: people still fear the word “blockchain” and “cryptocurrency”. Most people do not understand those terms. But they might understand problems you can solve with those technologies. How is your product/service helping people or businesses? How does it all work? Do people need to really know about the tech behind your solution?

Blockchain remains in experimental mode. So far, the distributed ledger technology has proven itself useful in many different industries, like transportation, trade, finance, health and even public services. The value of blockchain doesn’t rely on its technical complexity, but its ability to help us smooth processes and increase efficiency.

Consumers are looking for something that simplifies their lives and costs less than what they usually pay for. If your company focuses on telling the end user how your products or services are in their best interest, then you’re on the right track.

Keep the fire on, specially in winter

Okay. If you’ve been following the cryptocurrency market for at least a week, there’s no need to tell you that it’s a VERY volatile place to be.

Volatile isn’t affecting only the price of an asset. For your project, volatile can also push or hit your traction with the community of supporters and potential investors.

You see… When the price of Bitcoin and other key cryptocurrencies is rising, the interest in the cryptocurrency market automatically increases. But when prices plunge, the phones stop ringing. That’s just natural, so… how do you cope with that?

Even if a cryptocurrency loses value, a talented marketing and PR team can re-assure the community that they are working hard to stay on course, add new developments, and see the asset take a turn for the better in the short time.

Seems like it’s time to revise that marketing budget… In most cases, it’s less important whether a cryptocurrency’s price has gone up or down, but how the marketing team responds to those market movements.

Enough of “Hey there”, aim for “Hey John”

Are you writing press releases? For whom? The idea behind a press release is to deliver important information to the eyes of journalists. But how do you that when you have no relation with them? Have you ever spoken to one face-to-face?

Setting a PR strategy will not only help you sharp your story to make it more attractive, it will also guarantee your company starts building fruitful relations with relevant journalists and media outlets.

A press statement intended for general publications should not be too technical or complicated as the readers are mostly people still detached from the crypto community. Confusing them with technical jargon will not help your case.

Be unique or go home… Just kidding!

Unless you’re solving a problem, there’s no need for your project. That’s just common sense. Now, some advisors and business consultants would say that you need to focus on your “uniqueness”. That’s great, but sometimes you’re just surrounded by similar projects. So the question is how do you find your uniqueness?

While it’s hard to believe, many projects struggle to formulate a clear answer to that question. A professional PR team should be able to examine your project and come up with a list of key aspects that emphasise your uniqueness on the market

The game has rules — follow them

Cryptocurrency regulation is changing as more governments are now interested in this young market. Making sure your project is always on the right side of the law is essential to gain people’s trust. If you’re running a fundraising, ensuring you’re fully compliant and properly communicating that to your audience will instantly put you one step ahead of many other projects.

Need assistance with your storytelling?

DisPRuptive doesn’t just claim to be the best marketing & PR agency for cryptocurrency and blockchain projects, we have a record to prove it.

With offices in London and New York, DisPRuptive has already overseen and deployed successfully marketing and PR campaigns for dozens of ICOs, STOs and IEOs all over the globe. What do we guarantee?

● Fast, fluid & flexible AI-based Marketing & PR services

● Digitally-integrated PR — for search engine visibility

● Connecting innovators and game-changers with their key audiences

● Comprehensive marketing campaigns, across multiple channels

● Business acumen — commercial KPIs matter

● Always on-call — we don’t have a ‘9-to-5’ mindset

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