Why The Crypto World Lives On Telegram And Your Project Should Too

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6 min readNov 21, 2019

Telegram is one of the newest messenger apps in the world yet it has quickly become the leading messaging choice in the crypto space.

The reason for its popularity and success probably lies in the fact that it brings together under one platform the functions of Facebook’s messaging app WhatsApp and even the teenage-popular Snapchat, among enhanced encrypted features that add extra layers of security for end users.

The app was banned in Russia and Iran, but the users of the app took to the streets of Moscow and Tehran to protest against these measures. Telegram remains the go-to choice in those countries.

Crypto-related projects never got along with traditional social platforms. From the very beginning, Telegram became an alternative that welcomed the “underground” crypto community, enabling them to create massive chats and groups to interact without censorship.

Why Telegram Is Important For Your ICO/STO?

If you’re wondering why your project should be on Telegram, the answer is simple: it’s where you find cryptocurrency users and supporters.

And make no mistake — you will start loving Telegram very quickly once you discover its wide range of benefits against other mainstream messaging apps.

The app allows you to make a connection with either new users who have a profile (you can search using their phone number or username) or contacts already saved in your phone’s contact list. Telegram uses a modern API similar to WhatsApp that shows you if your message has been sent and read.

From this, one could be forgiven to think that Telegram is just an upgrade of WhatsApp messenger. However, there are big differences here and it all boils down to privacy and data protection.

The company behind Telegram is willing to put everything on the line just to ensure that user data remains private. Telegram has been to court over this issue not once, and they have repeatedly stood by their users.

Telegram uses end-to-end encryption (similar to WhatsApp) which makes it impossible for a third-party such as a government to intercept or read your messages. For those in the crypto space, security and privacy are treasured.

Telegram is cloud-based and this comes with lots of advantages. The messages are synchronized online and make it possible for anyone to access and use the app on several devices.

Telegram Key Benefits

1. No messing with your phone storage

Telegram offers cloud storage, which means that all your messages, images media files are stored on their cloud. This is a great advantage against Whatsapp since you don’t have to worry about backups.

2. Create a massive group chat

If you are building a community, you don’t want to be limited by the number of people allowed. With Telegram, you can add up to 75.000 people.

3. Set a username and share it!

Telegram allows you to create a unique username. This adds an additional layer of security as you don’t need to share your phone.

4. Build a channel, keep your peers updated

A channel is a great way to keep your followers updated without the interaction. Only the creator of the channel is allowed to publish a post.

5. Use Telegram in any device

Telegram is available for iOS, Android, Windows OS and even Linux OS. And you get to use a super-responsive web version if needed.

6. Something private? Turn the secret mode on!

If you are sharing information that you don’t want out there, you can switch the secret mode on and create self-destructed files, photos, etc. The system also notifies you if another user makes a print screen.

7. Install bots and save time

AI and machine learning can make your interactions faster and smoother. And you don’t have to be a programmer to set up a Telegram bot. There are plenty of bots that help you manage your channel, erasing sensitive material, automatically banning users, and creating standard replies.

8. Make voice or high-quality video calls

Not only you get to use voice calls, but also high-quality video calls. Because… we all want to see each other at some point. Telegram also allows you to send mini videos such similarly to audio files on Whatsapp.

9. Stop worrying about file formats

Need to attach a .pdf? Oh, a .pptx? Wait… a .zip?! Well, it’s not an issue with Telegram. The platform allows you to attach nearly any existing format, making it incredibly comfortable for business communications.

How To Manage Your Telegram Crypto Community

Getting excited about building up your crypto community on Telegram? At DisPRuptive we’ve helped hundreds of cryptocurrency projects to drive on this platform. Here are some of our basic tips to successfully manage your group:

Immediate response

A community is based on interaction. Have a community manager whose sole mandate is to communicate with your followers. Make sure that he or she answers to questions promptly and in a professional way.


Be consistent in everything you do on Telegram. Make sure that you understand what your community needs and use that to publish own materials, as well as curated content that fires up discussions around your project. Telegram needs to be a vital part of your social media planning.

Prepared FAQs

As a project, you will be asked the same question over and over again, especially if you are raising funds. Create a list of all frequent questions and use them to craft a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) document. Pin it to the top of your group, along with other important information.

Good community manager

Find a good community manager who understands your project and has great people’s skills. You need someone who responds to requests immediately and cultivates a culture of togetherness. Add the names of these community managers to the pinned post to prevent users from interacting with scammers.

Create a buzz with events

Organize competitive events to increase the level of engagement. The price you pay to the winners will likely be lower than the reward for increased engagement. If you’re a conducting an ICO/STO, you could exploit the format of token discounts or special give aways.

Advertising and post-ICO announcements

Telegram, Reddit, and Twitter are the most used channels for crypto projects. These are the platforms that you need to rely heavily on to increase your community. And advertising is a great way to do it.

Identify other cryptocurrency channels and negociate promotional posts to start driving their communities to you.

Don’t buy followers

It’s tempting. We know. But this is not a good way of doing things as it does not gauge the true level of interest in your project. It also sets you back as it attracts people who have no idea what crypto is. They will spend a lot of time asking your questions and in the long-run, not contribute anything in terms of token purchases. Remember that quality is always better than quantity.

Moderator bots

You also need to have moderator bots although they can never take the position of a community manager. The bots can respond to questions but more importantly, you should use them to vet posts on your channel.

As your channel grows, some users will spam it with links that point to their own projects. Your bots should be able to flag these users, warn them, and suspend them if necessary.

Return favors

If one of your community members posts something positive about you, return the favor and do the same for them. They will appreciate it and happy people can easily help you grow your brand or product.

Have a listening ear

Listen to your community members even if they are criticizing you. Take into account their guidance and feedback. This helps you to see things from their angle and push you to improve where necessary.

Remember that you are building a product for them, not for you. Their opinions are as important as the hard work you are putting in the project.

Need a solid community for your ICO/STO?

DisPRuptive doesn’t just claim to be the best marketing & PR agency for blockchain & cryptocurrency projects, we have a record to prove it.

With offices in London and New York, DisPRuptive has already overseen and deployed successfully marketing and PR campaigns for dozens of ICOs, STOs and IEOs all over the globe. What do we guarantee?

● Fast, fluid & flexible AI-based Marketing & PR services

● Digitally-integrated PR — for search engine visibility

● Connecting innovators and game-changers with their key audiences

● Comprehensive marketing campaigns, across multiple channels

● Business acumen — commercial KPIs matter

● Always on-call — we don’t have a ‘9-to-5’ mindset

Let’s get in touch!

Write us at hello@disPRuptive.com or contact us on Telegram

