Prepare for Landing: Getting the Best from Your Landing Page

Ibilate Benneth - Ikiroma
Disrupt DNA
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2020

You know the feeling of being lost or overwhelmed because there is too much information or lack of it on a page, blog, or website, and you just wish there’s someone or somewhere to explain all that’s happening?

Well, this is the problem a ‘Landing page’ helps solve, among others. A landing page is a first impression of sorts to new prospects and a follow up to repeat clients. It therefore should have features that are specifically designed for this purpose.

Let’s start with the “dos”:

1. Keep it simple.

The best landing pages are simple and easy to grasp. It still should provide a clear path of what your visitor or reader should do next. One message, one offer, and one call to action should be enough features for the average landing page.

2. Brevity

A lot of people nowadays have a short attention span. So you want to show them what you are offering, how it will make their lives better, and what they need to do to get it in as brief a time as possible. Once your landing page fails to communicate these between 5–10 seconds, you may want to reconstruct it.

3. A strategic video

By all means, if you can, make a quick video for your landing. It is said that people connect faster and easier with videos than text. Your video should however be straightforward and quick. It should also tell your readers how important your offer, product, service, or page is and what values they stand to get. It could also be a testimonial from a client who has enjoyed any of your products or service.

4. Key benefits

You want to also lay emphasis on the key benefits or unique features you are offering that’d appeal to your audience. For example, good or 24 hours customer service representative, home delivery, etc. Make sure to highlight them with bullets or visual cues so they stand out on your landing page.

The ‘don’ts

If you want to get the best from your landing page, you basically just have to steer clear from doing the opposite of any of the above and these:

1. Having multiple goals

Having multiple goals on your landing page shows a lack of focus. It is also distracting and thus reduces conversion. How to avoid this is to make sure your headline is clear and not confusing, the same should apply to your call to action. And this brings me to the next point.

2. Too many call to actions

Choose a simple and clear call to action for your landing page. If you have more, then they can come later. If you want more conversions, you should help your visitors make their decisions faster and easier. Too much call to action is just too much clutter and ends up either confusing them or discouraging them.

3. Not having a compelling reason

Your Landing page should provide a solid reason for your prospects to sign up, or click or subscribe, or whatever it is your call to action is. Try to avoid cliché reasons like, make more money, be the first to get our newsletter, etc.

4. Asking for too much information

If you are going to use a form, limit it to just an email address and maybe a first name. Anything more is asking for too much. Many people do not want to commit so quickly, wait until you’ve built trust then you can go on to ask them for their blood groups. Your landing page should be like a first date- impress but don’t overwhelm.

There, these are the fundamentals that will enable you to get prepared for your landing page and that will help you make the most out of it. by adhering to these guidelines you will be able to gain more conversions and pull in more traffic to your site or business.



Ibilate Benneth - Ikiroma
Disrupt DNA

Fresh Bread Advocate. I read everything legible; hobbies include staring at a blank screen, amongst others. A Javascript Nomad calls me a Verbal Assassin.