The Human perception of Time

Mário R. Andrade
Disrupting Reality
Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2021

The perception of time is something all of us always had present in our lives. We count the days, we celebrate the dates, we get anxious for specific events in time and we also set limitations based on it.

The human ability to perceive the world, our sense of self and our consciousness is shaped upon our perception of time and it’s a given fact time perception is fundamental for our human awareness.

But let’s make an exercise. Imagine you have the ability to understand plants and animals and asked simples questions such:

  • How old are you?
  • What time is it?
  • What day is today?

Could that non-human life form give you an answer? Would they have the same concept of age, time and day as we have?

We created the concept of days and hours as a way of tracking sunlight and weather seasons.

We celebrate birthdays and other time based events all so often and we set boundaries based in time lived such as the legal age to get a driver’s license or when to retire.

Many people judge couples that have, what they consider to be, a large age difference between each other, regardless if they are the ideal partners for each other.

Without a doubt the human definition of time came to help us perceive the world we live in but it came to a point where it is setting limitations in our society.

We, humans, have expectations and set expectations for other people based on their age regardless of their experience in a specific field or matter. If you ever heard “You’re old enough to know this”, you know what I am talking about.

Time controls our life.

Plants and animals biological clock is ran by the sun and weather, they don’t have a time for lunch or a time for dinner but yet they eat. They don’t judge other animals based on age but based on their attributes such as strength, speed, stamina, size…

Imagine the concept of past, present and future never existed and in it’s turn we have experience gained, life happening and something to live up to.

Imagine the idea that you are too old or too young is no longer an issue. The concept of years, months, days and age no longer exists. In it’s turn you are evaluated on your ability to do something regardless if it’s a job, raising a family, driving or any other skill or responsibility.

How would this change impact your life? Leave a comment with your thoughts.



Mário R. Andrade
Disrupting Reality

🍄Hi, I’m Mario. Welcome. I am on my path of 🔥 self-discovery and I write about it. I am passionate about 🤩 innovation and 👨‍💻 technology. Hope you enjoy