Is Jeff Bezos considering TRON among three other Cryptocurrency for Amazon Payments?

Published in
1 min readMay 30, 2019

Tron, which now is 12 in the list may move up quickly to one of the top five cryptocurrencies if added to Amazon payments.

Is not a secret — Amazon — is planning to intorduce cyptocurrency, as a form of payment in some countries with unstable governments to prevent devaluation of merchandise.

While Bitcoin and Ether, are among the picks from Amazon, I just learned — — TRON — is being consider to joint the Amazon payment options. The TRON Foundation, has worked hard to put themselfves in the top list and at current .035 cents a token in the US soon the token will triple when announced.

What I like about tron is currently undervalue and , unlike the other cryptocurrency, the founder is not the engineer but rather a business men. Engineers in general are not good buisness people and have not performed well as CEO’s, is a very differnt field to be a CEO than being an Engineer and that is the reason we see massive fluctation of cyptocurrency.

Tron may be the one cryptocurrency which will be able to bring stability to the cryptocurrency market.




Freethinking Engineer, a Millennial in full development. Writer and Musician for fun & with integrity. Blockchain Developer and Master, Cryptocurrency Investor