Is God a Good Leader?

Oren Yakobi
Disruptive Leaders Journal
6 min readApr 7, 2024

In the annals of human history, leaders have emerged in diverse realms — political, social, and religious. Among these, the concept of God, a supreme being worshipped by billions worldwide, stands as a pinnacle of influence. Yet, beneath the veneer of reverence and devotion lies a contentious inquiry: Does God embody the qualities of a good leader?

While God commands the largest following in history, it prompts reflection on the efficacy of his leadership style and its alignment with the goals of common religions. This article aims to explore the multifaceted nature of God’s leadership, examining both its negative and positive attributes as depicted in religious texts and traditions.

Negative Traits:

Unquestioned Authority

One hallmark of ineffective leadership is the demand for unquestioned authority. In many religious traditions, God is portrayed as an omnipotent and omniscient being whose commands are absolute and beyond reproach. For instance, Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Isaac (Genesis 22) illustrates unquestioning obedience, despite moral ambiguity.

Lack of Clear Communication

Effective leadership hinges on clear communication. However, channels through which God communicates — scriptures, prophets, or personal revelation — often breed ambiguity and conflicting interpretations. Different readings of religious texts have spawned numerous schisms and sects within Christianity, Islam, and other faiths, each claiming divine insight.

Inconsistency and Contradiction

Consistency in principles and actions is integral to effective leadership. Yet, religious texts and teachings attributed to God often contain inconsistencies, contradictions, and moral dilemmas. For example, while the Bible espouses principles of love and compassion, it also contains passages endorsing violence, slavery, and discrimination (e.g., Exodus 21:20–21, Leviticus 25:44–46), creating moral confusion among believers.

Punitive Justice

God, as depicted in many religious narratives, is often portrayed as a dispenser of punitive justice, meting out rewards and punishments based on obedience or disobedience to divine commands. This authoritarian approach to governance fosters fear and subservience rather than genuine moral development and ethical behavior. For example, the concept of eternal damnation in hell for non-believers or sinners is a common theme in many religious traditions, instilling fear rather than promoting genuine repentance or growth.

Exclusivity and Division

Inclusive leadership fosters diversity, equity, and collaboration, resulting in enhanced innovation, productivity, and organizational resilience. Religious beliefs centered around a particular deity often breed exclusivity and division, leading to conflict, intolerance, and discrimination against those who adhere to different faiths or hold divergent beliefs. Instead of fostering unity and cooperation, religious dogma can perpetuate sectarianism and animosity, fueling conflicts throughout history. For instance, throughout history, religious conflicts such as the Crusades, the Inquisition, and sectarian violence in the Middle East have been fueled by competing claims to religious truth and supremacy.

Lack of Empathy

Effective leaders demonstrate empathy and compassion towards their followers, understanding their needs, struggles, and aspirations. However, the portrayal of God in many religious texts often lacks empathy for human suffering, attributing it to divine punishment or inscrutable divine will rather than acknowledging the complexities of the human condition. For example, the problem of evil — the question of why a benevolent and all-powerful God would allow suffering and injustice — remains a central theological challenge in many religious traditions.

Failure to Adapt to Changes

In an era where knowledge is increasingly accessible and societal values evolve, the tactic of leading by fear employed by God appears increasingly outdated and unsustainable. As skepticism grows and critical thinking flourishes, the reliance on punitive measures and divine retribution loses its efficacy and appears outdated, ultimately undermining the credibility of divine leadership.

Lack of Iterative Implementation and Flexibility

Effective leadership involves iterative implementation and adaptation to changing circumstances. However, the strategy attributed to God lacks the flexibility and evolution necessary to address the complexities of human society. Divine commandments, often portrayed as immutable and eternal, fail to account for the nuanced and evolving realities of human existence.

Absence of Leading by Example

Effective leaders inspire by example, embodying the values and principles they espouse. However, the portrayal of God in religious texts often depicts a being removed from human experience, making it difficult for believers to relate to or emulate divine attributes. The absence of tangible evidence of divine presence or intervention further undermines the notion of God as a role model for ethical behavior.

Positive Traits:

Compassion and Mercy

Despite instances of punitive justice, many religious traditions also emphasize God’s compassion and mercy towards humanity. The concept of divine forgiveness and redemption offers hope and solace to believers, reminding them of the capacity for grace and second chances.
For example, in Christianity, the story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11–32) illustrates God’s unconditional love and willingness to forgive, welcoming back the wayward son with open arms.

Wisdom and Guidance

God is often depicted as possessing infinite wisdom and providing guidance to humanity through scriptures, prophets, and spiritual insights. This aspect of divine leadership encourages believers to seek wisdom and discernment in their own lives, fostering personal growth and moral development. In Islam, the Quran serves as a source of divine guidance, offering practical wisdom and ethical principles to navigate life’s challenges and dilemmas.


Amidst the complexities of human existence, the steadfastness attributed to God provides a sense of stability and reassurance to believers. The belief in an unchanging divine presence can serve as an anchor in times of uncertainty and turmoil. In Judaism, the concept of God’s covenant with the Jewish people symbolizes His unwavering commitment and reliability, providing reassurance and fortitude during times of adversity.

Love and Benevolence

Many religious traditions emphasize God’s love and benevolence towards creation, encapsulated in the notion of divine providence and care. This aspect of divine leadership inspires believers to cultivate love, compassion, and altruism in their relationships and interactions with others.
In Hinduism, the concept of Bhakti (devotion) encourages followers to express love and devotion towards God, fostering a sense of interconnectedness and compassion towards all living beings.

Unity and Oneness

Across diverse religious traditions, the concept of God often represents a unifying force that transcends human divisions and boundaries. This vision of unity and oneness encourages believers to embrace diversity, promote peace, and work toward collective harmony. In Sikhism, the principle of Ik Onkar (the belief in the oneness of God) underscores the unity of all creation, transcending differences of race, caste, or creed, and fostering a sense of universal brotherhood.


While God is portrayed as the ultimate authority, religious teachings also emphasize the empowerment of individuals to seek divine guidance and cultivate a personal relationship with the divine. This aspect of divine leadership encourages autonomy, self-reflection, and spiritual growth.
In Buddhism, the concept of self-reliance (Atta-dipa) encourages practitioners to take responsibility for their own spiritual development, empowering them to cultivate wisdom and compassion through personal effort and introspection.

Sense of Purpose

The promise of divine justice, salvation, and eternal life offers believers a sense of hope and purpose beyond the confines of earthly existence. This aspect of divine leadership inspires resilience, perseverance, and optimism in the face of life’s challenges. In Native American spirituality, the belief in the Great Spirit and the interconnectedness of all living beings provides a sense of purpose and harmony with the natural world, guiding individuals toward a life of balance and reverence for creation.

Creativity and Innovation

In some religious traditions, God is depicted as the ultimate creator, unleashing boundless creativity and innovation in the cosmos. This aspect of divine leadership encourages believers to embrace curiosity, imagination, and exploration in their pursuit of knowledge and understanding. In Indigenous Australian Dreamtime stories, the creative acts of ancestral beings (such as the Rainbow Serpent) shape the landscape and natural phenomena, inspiring reverence for the creative forces of the universe and sparking curiosity about the mysteries of existence.

In conclusion, while the concept of God’s leadership serves as a source of inspiration and guidance for countless individuals worldwide, it also presents a complex case study with both positive and negative implications. As believers draw strength from divine compassion, wisdom, and unity, it’s essential to critically evaluate the practical outcomes of religious teachings in the modern world. By acknowledging the shortcomings of unquestioned authority, lack of empathy, and divisive tendencies attributed to God, we can strive for a more inclusive and compassionate approach to leadership that promotes unity, understanding, and collective well-being. In doing so, we honor the profound teachings of religious traditions while embracing the imperative for progress and adaptation in an ever-changing world.

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Oren Yakobi
Disruptive Leaders Journal

A disruptive leader, pushing boundaries and challenging sacred cows to excel in an ever-evolving environment.