The 11 Leadership Principles of the United States Marine Corps — And Why You Should Implement Them Into Your Business Today [Part 1 of 2]

It’s been 18 years since I put on a US Marine Corps uniform, yet the esprit de corps of the Marines still beats deep within my chest

William Ballard, MBA
Disruptive Leaders Journal


Believe it or not, it’s been about 18 years since I laced up a pair of woodland boots and put on a US Marine Corps uniform, and although I may not serve in the Corps today, the esprit de corps of the Marines still beats deep within my chest.

What does that have to do with you and your business?

Well, I’m glad you asked.

There are 11 leadership principles every Marine Corps officer embraces when leading Marines. And, probably more to the point, these are the 11 leadership principles every Marine lives by.

Moreover, I believe that, if these leadership principles were adopted and implemented by you and your business employees, the same success of the Marine Corps (as an organization) could be your own.

Adopting these principles will guide your actions with your employees (or what the Marines might refer to as a Unit), and provide direction throughout your venture.



William Ballard, MBA
Disruptive Leaders Journal

Business coach, marketing consultant, and creative entrepreneur. I help writers get their work noticed and get paid what they are worth: