Understanding and Addressing Employee Burnout Using the BURNT Model

Nedheya Baby
Disruptive Leaders Journal
2 min readMay 6, 2024


Understanding and Addressing Employee Burnout

Employee burnout has become increasingly prevalent in today’s fast-paced work environments, impacting individuals across industries and organizational hierarchies. According to recent surveys, nearly 79% of employees have experienced burnout at work, with remote work and the blurring boundaries between professional and personal life exacerbating the issue (source: Gallup Workplace). Additionally, a study by the World Health Organization (WHO), found that burnout costs the global economy an estimated $322 billion annually in lost productivity (source: WHO).

Consider the case of Sarah, a dedicated marketing manager at a mid-sized tech company. Over the past few months, Sarah has been consistently working long hours to meet tight deadlines, manage multiple projects simultaneously, and navigate the challenges of remote collaboration. Initially driven by enthusiasm and a commitment to delivering exceptional results, Sarah found herself caught in the relentless cycle of work demands, sacrificing her well-being in the process.

As Sarah’s workload continued to mount, subtle signs of burnout began to emerge. Her once vibrant energy waned, replaced by a sense of restlessness and increasing stress. Colleagues noticed her becoming more withdrawn during team meetings, and her productivity started to decline. Despite her best efforts to cope with the mounting pressure, Sarah found it increasingly difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Sarah’s experience reflects the gradual progression through the stages of burnout, each marked by distinct behavioral, emotional, and physical manifestations. Recognizing these stages and their implications is crucial for leaders and organizations committed to fostering a culture of well-being and resilience among their employees.

The Burnout Journey: Understanding the Stages Using the BURNT Model

The chart below outlines the seven stages of employee burnout, employing the BURNT model, providing insights into how to identify each stage, and offering actionable strategies for leaders to mitigate its effects:


From the initial onset of stress to the eventual point of complete disengagement, understanding the nuances of burnout empowers leaders to intervene proactively, offering support, resources, and interventions tailored to each stage of the journey.

Conclusion: Building Resilience and Well-being

As organizations navigate the complexities of modern work dynamics, prioritizing employee well-being and resilience is a moral and strategic necessity. By recognizing the signs of burnout and implementing targeted interventions, leaders can cultivate a culture of trust, support, and collaboration, ultimately driving sustainable performance and success.



Nedheya Baby
Disruptive Leaders Journal

Founder & Director at Nedheya's Trailblazer Singapore | Transformational and Motivational Coach. Soft skill and Behavioral Trainer