How To Contribute

Our goal at Disrupt Midwest is simply to be helpful.

Aleckson Nyamwaya
1 min readAug 15, 2019


Disrupt Midwest should be helpful

To founders, and future founders, engineers, product people, sales, marketing, out-of-staters, the list can go on.

In order to achieve this goal effectively, anyone in the community should be able to contribute. So how do you get your content published on Disrupt Midwest?

Steps to Contribute to Disrupt Midwest

  1. Write the story or article.
  2. Submit the story to Disrupt Midwest as a writer. Medium has a guide on how to do this. (First-time writers need to email [writers at], DM or tweet us your medium username)
  3. Editors will review your story, providing feedback.
  4. Review feedback on Medium, and make changes as needed.
  5. Editors will schedule and publish the story.
  6. Promote the story online alongside @DisruptMidwest.

Keep in mind— This is non-paying

Writers for Disrupt Midwest are volunteers. You write as often as you wish, stop at any time, and you can also remove your articles from the publication.



Aleckson Nyamwaya

Software engineer, Entrepreneur & community builder. Currently @gener8tor writer for @startupgrind