3 Reasons Angels Invest in Deep Tech

Haley Sheetz
Alternative Investments Made Accessible
3 min readNov 29, 2017

Deep Technology refers to an industry space that deals exclusively with breakthroughs in science and engineering. It aims to increase the amount of meaningful innovations brought to the investing marketplace.

In a culture where new apps are born hourly and crowdsourcing has made entry into the investing space easier, deep technology startups can offer serious investors a means of distinguishing themselves from the herd. Professionals agree that portfolio diversification is one of the most important aspects to successful investing, and many deep technology companies offer a means to branch out into other industries.

Aside from elevating the content of their investment portfolios, there are other reasons why an increasing number of investors are flocking to the deep technology sector.

The Potential to Supercharge Your Impact

Many deep tech startups have made a significant change to the status quo. Making an impact on the world is a major motivator for many angels, especially in regards to their investment legacy. A successful investment in deep tech could make a change that has the potential to impact the world. The draw of such an opportunity is, of course, appealing at the fiscal level, but of even greater consideration is the legacy that it leaves behind.

Think Outside Your Screen

Our world is gradually becoming more and more digitized. Literally. The International Data Corporation estimates that by the year 2021, there will be 80 million VR/AR headsets on the market. While virtual reality is a major industry trend within the market, deep tech also offers many opportunities to branch away from the virtual and examine the concrete. With medical devices that can staunch severe wounds and food & agriculture sensors that cut down on food waste, the number of companies that offer real-world innovations is ever-increasing.

Unleash Your Inner Science Geek

Let’s face it: we all have one. Whether you were the kid who spent all summer fiddling with their chemistry set, or the one who marathoned every episode of Star Trek over the weekend, an inner geek lives within all of us. Deep technology is the science club for grown-ups. With a variety of sectors within the field, there’s opportunity to explore many different types of technology, and even to diversify within the industry. Whatever your geeky craving, deep technology probably has the fix.


Investing in deep tech is much more than just a way to diversify your portfolio. It can create a lasting impact on an investor’s legacy and on the world. It not only diversifies, but elevates the investment portfolio in a way that is unique to an individual’s interests.

To start browsing deep technology investment opportunities, check out Propel(x).

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