Dissolution: Tactical FPS MMORPG Powered by Enjin

We’ve officially joined the Enjin Spark program—also Zombies.

Dissolution Game
Dissolution Online
4 min readJul 5, 2019


We’re excited to announce that Dissolution has officially joined Enjin Spark!

To be 100% honest, we had our doubts at first, just like any bug-fearing dev. It wasn’t until we visited the Enjin booth at GDC 2019 and tried our their Unity SDK demo that we even considered moving to ERC-1155.

Hats off to Enjin, you’ve turned us around 180 degrees.

Dissolution: Tactical FPS MMORPG

For those who may not already be familiar with Dissolution, here’s a quick rundown:

Dissolution is an FPS MMORPG set in the year 2418. Experience tactical FPS in a cutthroat universe ravaged by an ongoing war of extinction between human and AI.

We’re currently in pre-alpha, with the ultimate goal of creating an open-world MMORPG where players compete for blockchain-based resources and territory.

Why Enjin?

For starters, adopting the Enjin Platform takes an incredible amount of backend work off of our hands and allows us to really focus on the important thing: making a fun game.

There is definitely no shortage of crypto-gaming platforms on the market, probably more platforms than actual games themselves. So what makes Enjin stand out?

Personally, I think Enjin is the only platform actually innovating and pushing the boundaries of crypto-gaming. Where other platforms are still struggling with the simple tokenization of in-game items, Enjin is making a f**king multiverse.

Simply put, tokenized assets from any game in Enjin’s ecosystem can be used in other games. It’s literally Ready Player One (if you haven’t watched that movie, you’re missing out). Dissolution items such as guns, ships, and armor can be tokenized and integrated into other games — ultimately bringing more utility to the end user.

Blockchain Backend Stuff

Unfortunately, like any other blockchain solution, Ethereum is not scalable to handle the transaction volume of a full on MMORPG. We are currently working with Enjin on a hybrid server-blockchain solution to keep things running smoothly.

We will keep track of your inventory in Dissolution through a central database on our servers, just like a traditional multiplayer game. Any item that you have stored on our servers can be withdrawn in the form of ERC-1155 tokens. This keeps things simple for our players that are not familiar with cryptocurrency.

Now for all the crypto-gamers out there holding their Dissolution items in the form of ERC-1155 tokens, you will be able to link your wallet to your account. The game will simply read all of the recognized tokens and credit you with the items in-game. To prevent other players from using your hard-earned items, each wallet address can only be registered to one account.

This way, we can cater to both crowds.

Whether you’re a crypto fanatic or just a regular gamer, we’ve got you covered.


That’s right, the much-awaited Zombies update is officially live!

Along with zombies, we will also be releasing a new map called Silo, an abandoned pre-war bunker used as a refugee shelter.

I will be impressed if anyone makes it to wave 10. They get pretty ridiculous! In the event that you do make it, make sure to take a screenshot of the victory screen and send it to me on Telegram or Discord. I’ve got a little gift for you :)

Other additions include:

  • Human AI in PvP to fill up empty lobbies
  • Ammo and health reloads crates at capture points
  • Vacuum bug where you suffocate upon respawn is fixed
  • Various other fine tuning and fixes. See here for the changelog.

We have a lot more coming, so be sure to join our community for the latest updates:

