Phase 3 Development Update!

Dissolution Game
Dissolution Online
Published in
4 min readJul 13, 2020

Single player RPG and Upcoming Changes.


Leaving Enjin

We regret to announce that we are officially leaving the Enjin Platform. It’s been a great year with lots of ups and downs but ultimately we’ve decided that our vision for blockchain gaming are not completely aligned.

I want to say a special thank-you to Witek from Enjin, for taking the time to personally onboard us back in the summer of 2019.

The reason why we’ve decided to leave is because we want to experiment with new ways to implement blockchain NFTs. Ethereum (and Enjin) as it stands right now, doesn’t seem to be an end-all solution. With ETH 2.0 coming in the next couple of years, we are left with uncertainty on its main solution to scalability: sharding.

While it works well in DeFi applications, sharding creates more complexities between smart contract interaction which means more room for error. For a game (the ultimate form of a consumer application), these complexities can ruin a player’s experience, especially one that isn’t familiar with blockchain.

Enjin, being a Ethereum-based platform, will only suffer the same consequences. For us, it’s better to be pro-active than reactive.

Luckily these changes will take years to be implemented, which gives us plenty of time to experiment and test new hypotheses. For the time being, we will be temporarily deploying our own ERC-1155 contract.

For all the players with the current Dissolution items, we will allow you to trade your items to our new standard. The conversion process is automatic, and you will receive the items in the wallet address they were sent from. You’ll be able to view them on Opensea.

Send your items here: 0x41D47BBb37e038eBf8c1Dee0cf535a90E038A60c

Onto the Good Stuff

We are officially in our third and last (longest) phase of development: MMORPG!

To begin the transition away from FPS, we are temporarily taking the game offline to focus on adding content before we bring back multiplayer. This month, we’ve made some huge additions to the game that will add a new level of depth and immersion to the Dissolution universe:

1. Factions & Territory

You will now be able to create your own faction!

There are several advantages to joining a faction:

Based on the amount of DFTs that you and you fellow members have, you will be able to grant a faction wide boost of up to 50% in in-game earnings! You’ll also be able to enjoy dividends from the corporation’s earnings!

As a corporation, you’ll be able to also enact control over territory by earning control points. Every member in your corp. can earn control points simply by completing missions in that area. Once you have enough points, the territory will automatically become yours! You’ll be able to collect taxes on all money earned by other players in that territory as well. But be careful, there are other competing factions that can erode your control points by completing missions!

Create your own here:

*Note: You will need to have 50 DFT’s in your wallet to make a faction.*

2. Space Ships!

There will be a total of 6 ships available to use, each designed with their own specialized role in mind, ranging from heavy miners and transports to specialized Star Fighters. Depending on your activity, make sure you make the right selection for maximum effectiveness.

3. Mining

We’re also starting to build up the economy of Dissolution, starting with resource mining!

There will be 2 primary modes: On foot, and ship mining.

There will be a risk/reward mechanism to award player skill: the further out into the mine you go, the more likely that you will be met by dangerous enemies. That being said, your mining yield will also increase.

*Note: Current ore payouts are still subject to change*

4. Tweaks and Upgrades

In addition to the new content updates, we’ve also made a ton of polishes and bug fixes:

  • Gun-Play improvements: Y’all asked for a fixed crosshair, so now you’re getting one! We’ve also added a ricochet system where bullets can bounce off walls and other objects. They won’t do damage, purely visual.
  • Zombie & AI improvements: For the n’th time, we know that the zombie movement doesn’t sync with the animation XD. Well, now they do! We’ve also made them much more efficient to maximize the game performance on lower-spec machines.
  • 0 Gravity Movement: We’ve updated the physics model for 0G movement on foot. Now you will float right away, instead of having to double-tap space.

That’s all for this update! We’ll be announcing more content releases in the coming weeks to come. Stay safe everyone!

