The 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics

Daniel de Sa
Distilled Knowledge
2 min readMay 27, 2020
Dr. James Peebles — 2019 Nobel Laureate in Physics. He looks like he has answers or at least some entertaining ideas!

Where do we come from? Why are we here? These answers to these questions are very personal and inform every viewpoint represented on this planet. Let’s take a quick look at the advances in the scientific understanding of these questions.

So What’s Up Doc?

Awarded to Dr. James Peebles for Theoretical Contributions to Physical Cosmology.

“Modern cosmology reveals that the universe started out amazingly homogenous. The early universe contained hot, dense, and uniform matter, that was also rapidly expanding [see: Big Bang]. Peebles followed these lines of evidence into a coherent scenario of the history of the universe and spelled out its consequences for the size, shape, and distribution of galaxies.

The early hot gas that filled the universe was completely random in its molecular motions and chemical mixing. It was in the condition physicists call “complete thermal equilibrium.” Usually, once systems reach complete thermal equilibrium they stay there. They remain uniform and featureless; they do not develop structure or “come to life.” Our universe escaped this dismal fate primarily because gravity, acting over vast reaches of space and time, makes uniformity unstable. Gravity wants to clump things together. First as wispy clouds, then condensing further.

The emergence of abundant complexity from simple beginnings and simple laws takes a lot of time and requires a lot matter, but maybe nothing else.

→ Perhaps a some useful analogies can be drawn from here. Let’s take the example of relationship:

  • Simple Beginning (you meet someone new)
  • Simple Laws (be honest, loyal, fulfill your word)
  • + Time
  • + Substance (life, children, hopes, dreams, wins, losses)
  • = Complex, deep, rich, relationship & life

Obviously it is not that simple, but I do appreciate the idea of amazing complexity and richness deriving out of simple origins & subjected to powerful, long-term forces!



Daniel de Sa
Distilled Knowledge

Collecting & Sharing Knowledge. Educated by Mom & @Columbia. Ex. M&A, then VC @Global Founders Capital. Currently Strategy & Biz Lead @ //