Distillery Note: gingko leaves

Hiroshi Eguchi
distillery note
Published in
2 min readDec 4, 2014


date: Dec. 04. 2014
climate: 16℃

gingko leaves: 30g
Water(filtered) : 2000cc

0'00" Start
40'00" Boiled
80'00" Dropped 500cc

In a early winter morning , there comes yellow road to my neighbor station. Last month in autumn , many ginkgo nuts fall down this street and smels like a….
Now there are many fallen leaves . but nothing smelling here.

I determined picking many leaves and distilled them.

At first I processed 1/3 leaves by food processor.

There are woody and nutty scents .
Then I distillied them . The water are strong bitter ,some spicy and roasty scent.
I think Everybody don’t like this. but it’s not bad for me..

After distilled , Leaves has still bright yellow.
I understand this color come from vanishing the coloring matter.

