Drinking like a grown up

Kerri A
Distinguished Drinking
Jul 3, 2013


Perhaps when you were young, your dad came home from work and poured himself a drink. It was just what people did. Maybe your parents hosted cocktail parties with the neighbors, unapologetically civilized affairs.

Generations before us have enjoyed drink responsibly, or at least without angst and. Millions of people in nations the world over have healthy relationships with spirits. Wine, beer, mead, malt…they’ve built nations. Somehow over the past few decades, after we’d finally rubbed out the last smudge of prohibition and Puritanism, it seems liquor began to seep into the realm of youth. Slowly the perception, and the reality, shifted. Drinking wasn’t what parents did, it was what young people did — young people who went on to sully the good name of the the decoction.

We will have no more of that. Welcome back to distinguished drinking.

