5 newsletters you should subscribe to.

callum adamson
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2017

“The universe is transformation: life is opinion.” Marcus Aurelius

From Medium’s daily digest to the relentless torrent of, “are you still interested in this?”, emails I get from Ebay, email is still very much a prominent source of the information I ingest on a daily basis. For the most part, the emails I subscribe to help me with work related stuff, and they have become invaluable to me over the past year.

Here’s a hyper-curated list of my current ‘top 5’, email newsletters.

Nathan Beniach
If you want to stay, ‘in the know’, on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, then this is the newsletter you you should be subscribed to. Formerly a partner at Playfair Capital, Nathan is now an investor in his own right and the founder of London Ai.

Tobias Van Schneider
You’ve probably heard of Tobias through his work for Spotify, where he was in charge of product design. Aside from enjoying travel, creating and designing, Tobias also publishes a newsletter on pretty much whatever he feels like. It’s always full of inspiring articles and updates on stuff that he’s working on.

Wait but Why
It’s basically the answer to life, the universe and everything, drawn in stick figures and written by Tim urban, with a little help from Andrew Finn. It’s also where Elon Musk decided to talk about Neuralink in depth.

A weekly update from the team at YCombinator, detailing important startup and tech news alongside guest articles and recommendations from around the web.

Faded Borders
A weekly digest of travel inspiration, secret spots and gear delivered straight to your inbox.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I do, and if you fancy a bit of a longer read then check out my recommended reading below, I always share a long read with every article.


Jaws by Peter Benchley

This is the book that made me fall in love with sharks. You’ll find very few similarities with the film, and will probably be rooting for the shark throughout the story.

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Callum Adamson

Distributed| Wits End |Awne

